Friday, July 22, 2011

Obama does his best Captain Queeg impersonation...

the meltdown continues.

Is it possible to lie for 31 minutes straight?

Why, yes.  Yes, it is!

I love the part where he threatens to withhold SS and disability checks again. Yes indeed.  Those seniors are going to be eating dog food.   If he wants to make cuts, how about taking back the 365 million of taxpayer dollars  the first woman is giving away to build grocery stores?  It's a good start.

Lots of talk about the "Gang of Six" plan and not until the end does he even mention anything about Cut, Cap, and Balance.  He invokes the name of Ronald Reagan while talking about "fairness" and brings up the "little people."  You know who they are.  They're the folks that aren't eating Kobe beef, playing golf every weekend, and getting ready to head off for another multi-million dollar vacay.  

Pour your favorite adult beverage if you plan on watching this.

John Boehner manages to sound like an adult.  It's about time.  Good on him!


LD Jackson said...

I have to admit, I didn't watch the President's video. I find it very difficult to sit through even a few minutes of him talking down to everyone in America.

Boehner did a good job with his news conference, especially in trying to keep the blame for this fiasco from resting entirely with his party. Given the propensity of the media to act as if the President can do no wrong, he has an uphill battle.

Subvet said...

I've heard dog food is pretty good once you acquire a taste for it.

Mark D. said...

Captain Queeg -- you got that right!