Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debt ceiling Kubuki continues while the first woman spends 365 million of your tax dollars to build grocery stores...

is there something wrong with this picture?

Wal-Mart, Walgreens and SuperValu are all going to get some of your money to open stores in what the "first woman" calls "food deserts."  I would think a company the size of Wal-Mart reaping billions in profits would be able to open a few stores without money that has been forcibly taken from the citizens of this country in the form of taxes.

I want to make sure I understand what is going on here.  On one side you have a president who is threatening grandma with the withholding of her social security check, while on the other side his wife is handing out money.  Our money!  This money is to be used to build grocery stores in areas where they will be unable to hire dependable and honest workers, where theft will be astronomical, and the probability of needing armed guards will be almost a certainty.

Several years ago, I made a trip back to St. Paul, MN and needed to pick up a few items. I headed over to the Target on University Ave, which is now mainly a minority area.  I was astonished to see armed guards at the front door and a store that was filthy and trashed.

The future of these new stores intended to serve people who presumably can't travel further than one mile to shop for groceries will be short.  But the 365 million will be gone. It is things like this that make sane people think they have slipped down a hole with Alice and are dancing with the rabbits. 


MOTUS:  Building an Oasis in America's Food Deserts
Weasel Zippers: Michelle Obama's Launches Campaign To Eliminate "Food Deserts." 

Linked by iOwn the World - thanks!!