Remember when they were laughing when she said, "we can't party like it's 1773?
Professor Jacobson, Associate Clinical Professor at Cornell Law School who blogs over at Legal Insurrection, clears up the Paul Revere kerfuffle.Yesterday, at a Tea Party Express event in Nevada, she warned the crowd not to get overconfident, telling them they won’t be able to “party like it’s 1773″ until a bunch of tea-party candidates are safely elected. Lefty insta-meme: Idiot Sarah Palin doesn’t know that the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776! Because, after all, nothing happened in 1773 that could possibly be worth referencing at a tea-party rally, right? source: Hot Air
So Now All These People Will Apologize to Sarah Palin About Paul Revere, Right?
And Dan Riehl adds more: Palin Gives Media A History Lesson, Revere Warned British And They RetreatedIn fact, as pointed out at Conservatives4Palin, Revere did in fact tell the British that the colonial militias, who had been alerted, were waiting for them. Here is the original historical text written by Revere (spelling in original, bold added): read it all
Are we to believe that the lefty loons will now print a retraction? Nope. They'll just continue to sit around, cloaked in their arrogance, sipping their soy lattes and impressing each other by talking about how "stupid" Sarah Palin is. Any loony lefty blogger who has jumped on this particular bandwagon before checking the facts, should just delete anything they've posted. You see - now we know for sure how "stupid" you are.
Conversation at Memeorandum
Revere Did Warn the British; Palin FTW! | All American Blogger
Althouse: Everybody's talking about...
I won't hold my breath ...
I for one have known for a long time how stupid they are. They are smart in theory and stupid in life.
Randy - me neither...
Odie - how is it that so many of us knew who this "man" was way before he was elected?
What can you expect from people whose only knowledge of history comes from PBS and Howard Zinn?
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