Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This may be my last word on Osama bin Laden...

but then again, maybe not.

Like the post over at Taxes, Stupidity, and Death says:

The OBL thing?
I’m over it. 
I have no interest in conspiracy theories about it.  I don’t care if parts of the story make you suspicious.  While I generally have every reason to doubt the President’s veracity, I have no reason to doubt the military’s honor.  They say they did him in, then they did him in. link
I do have one thing to say about the barrage of posts, from both the left and right, which essentially say, "If you question one thing about this whole operation then you are a "kook",  "nut job", "conspiracy theorist", "wacko", "crazy", "demented", or maybe just plain ol' "insane."

Everyone is expected to park their brains and not dare ask why bin Laden was dumped in the sea post haste, why the compound was burned to the ground, or where the captured people are being held.  Or not to dare wonder why three huge helicopters were able to fly into a neighborhood, one of which landed, and the police located just across the street didn't so much as look out the window? 

Those are legitimate questions that many asked within minutes of hearing the news of this covert operation, which I might add, was tantamount to an invasion of another country to kill a private citizen.  None of these concerns are worthy of the ridicule being heaped on people who are not making any assertions, but merely asking questions and deserving of answers.  

Already, stories coming from the White House are in conflict. Even Politico reports on press secretary Carney's confusion about details.
Underscoring the complicated nature of the American team’s attack on bin Laden, Carney was caught in a crossfire of his own when he was asked about the number of floors in the compound in Pakistan. “Even I’m getting confused,” Carney said as he looked through his notes.  source
I understand that events can be misinterpreted in the excitement of such a momentous occasion, but there are serious questions that need to be asked of  a Commander in Chief who would release info unless it was thoroughly vetted.

Do I think the story we are hearing is the "whole" story?  Why, no - no, I don't.  Will we ever know the "real" story?  No.

Instead ask yourself this:
  • Are we safer because bin Laden is dead?  
  • Is the "War on Terror" (whatever that silly term means) over?
  • Will our troops be called home? 
  • Will our economy suddenly improve and will the unemployed finally find the job of their dreams? 
  • Is the price of gas going to go down?
  • Will the southern border finally be secured?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you must also believe the White House when they tell you Obamacare will save the economy and make your health care better, and that any minute now, Obama will release a statement acknowledging that following Bush policies led to the death of bin Laden. Crickets chirping?

Bungelow Bill is brave enough to step out and ask questions:
Forget the birth certificate. The greatest scam in our lifetime may be taking place before our eyes. With Obama's poll numbers in the basement, Obama set forth in motion a military mission that compromised his own ethos to kill Osama Bin Laden. If Osama is truly dead, then Obama deserves praise, but the story comes with some strange twists that is casting doubts throughout the world. For instance, ultimate proof would have been to produce the body, but Obama chose quickly to jettison the body off an aircraft carrier to honor Islamic tradition. read the rest
I will admit to having great interest in seeing the photos of bin Laden (who doesn't?), but other than that, I'm looking around to see what issues we're being distracted from with this blitzkrieg of non-stop coverage. 


Abbey's Road said...

"Instead ask yourself this ... Will it bring an end to legalized abortion, killing thousands of babies every year? ... just another thought. Excellent post, Adrienne. I am with you 100%.

You know, the news media (who are really the slime of the earth) will do anything to inflate a balloon til it pops! They're horrid!

Obama can take NO CREDIT for this operation. It was begun years ago before anybody ever heard his name on the national news. No, GW was the one who stepped up the covert operations of the USA, and believe you me, that goes to show you how very secretive our government can be when it is a matter of life and death. They knew where he was last August. It took them all this time to prepare, rehearse and rehearse over and over the attack.

I say "BRAVO!" to our Navy Seal group who executed the plan perfectly. Yes, I'd like to see him with the bullet in his head to be sure, but geez, I just cannot fathom any justification for the U.S. to lie and keep him locked up someplace. Let's get real! What the hell would that do for us? Nothing except my tax dollars helping in his upkeep, which I would raise a real stink if that were true.

He's gone, it's over, let's move on to gas prices, saving the unborn, price gouging, and rounding up all those mamas spitting out babies out of wedlock just to get another government check!! I call it "The Pilfering of America" and it is a very long and dirty list!

Be blessed,
Abbey ♥

Randy-g said...

I trust nothing coming this administration, While I am quite sure Bin Laden is dead, I have bad feelings about how and why he was "honored" with a "Islamic" sea burial...I hope the environuts keep a close eye on dead sharks washing ashore from scarfing on that creature.

Teresa said...

Why did this administration give legitimacy to the Islamic Jihad by honoring OBL with an Islamic burial at sea? That pisses me off to no end. Yes, I do want to see at least one photo. I don't trust anything that this administration says.

Adrienne said...

Abbey - so true about abortion. I hadn't heard the one about him being locked up and I commend the job the Seals did...

Adrienne said...

Randy - what a crock that whole burial thing is. Don't want to offend people that wish us dead?

Adrienne said...

Teresa - burial at sea is not an Islamic practice. This bumbling administration should have googled that one...

Adrienne said...

Teresa - and let's not forget the 40 minute Muslim service. What???

Teresa said...

Thanks for the info about the burial at sea not being an Islamic practice. This administration is filled with idiots. Didn't hear about the 40 minute Muslim service.

Subvet said...

The only competence in this whole affair was shown by the Navy SEALs. Other than that it begins to resemble an old Keystone Kops flick.

A few examples include; 1) They can't say if OBL had a gun, was reaching for a gun or just picking his nose when shot. 2) Was a woman used as a shield or wasn't she? Only her mortician knows for sure. 3) Which son of OBL was killed? The answer seems to be the same for all three questions, "DUH, I dunno." These are just a few "oopsies" evident at press conferences so far. Look for more to come.

If the military did their job the way the Executive and Legislative Branchs of our government do theirs, we'd be singing "God Save The Queen" as our national anthem.