Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Marxist by any other name...

is still a Marxist.

While wandering around reading this and that, I came upon "Is It Time To Turn Up The Anti-Marxist Heat" over at Conservatives on Fire.  Mr. Gourdie believes we are headed for a train wreck, and I believe he is completely correct. He also has two different possible outcomes, after the debris is scraped off the train tracks. 
My friends, I believe that our best strategy is to assume that the train wreck will happen. Many conservative/libertarian pundits have hoped for this train wreck to occur sooner rather than later. The idea being that the sooner it happens the sooner we conservative/libertarians can start rebuilding the America that our Founders had in mind. But, this position assumes that the people will blame the liberal/marxist for the train wreck. Not a good assumption, in my opinion. 
You see, many liberal/marxist pundits also have been wishing for the train to wreck sooner rather than later. Why? Because they believe that they can convince the people who it was the capitalist free market system touted by the conservative/libertarians that caused the train wreck. And, therefore, it will be they that the people will follow in building their new socialist state.
Mr. Gourdie is leaning toward the second scenario, which I would agree with, based on how quickly people have been led down the path of socialism without so much as a whimper.   When you have a situation where over half of the citizens of a country are on some sort of "entitlement", it doesn't bode well for the future of a republic.

On the other hand, these same people have had their initiative drained from them and replaced with a weak personal constitution that is not likely to have prepared them for any kind of hardship.  People with no imagination or initiative, who are cut off from their hand-outs, are going to become frustrated and dangerous. 

How about the "elitist" social justice types?  They'll be the ones running about trying to convince the raging crowd of "entitlement" people that it's the fault of capitalism.  And that won't be too hard to accomplish.  Take a look at how easy it was to stir up the masses in Wisconsin over the recent union brouhaha.  Seemingly intelligent middle class types morphed into some sort of recreation of the Night of the Living Dead.

Let's Call It What It Is

Now we get to the good part.  Mr. Gourdie suggests that we start calling Marxism, well - Marxism.  Not while sitting around the dining room table in our safe little homes, but directly to the people that espouse those principles.  Since I have never been one to mince words, I still have a rather typical  American female tendency to aspire to "niceness" in order to avoid confrontation.

After a pep talk from Mr. Gourdie, that's all going to change.  From now on, when someone starts spouting out a bunch of Marxist ideologies, I'm going to look them in the eye and in my most pleasant voice say, "Oh, then you're a Marxist."

I became tired of being on the defensive the last time I was called upon to "explain" something to someone that did not warrant or deserve an explanation.  And I'm tired of living in a country with a president who, along with his loony left cohorts, continually puts the conservatives on the defensive. I'm tired of being called a racist, a nut-job, and a bitter clinger.  There's nothing whatsoever "bitter" about any of the clinging that I, or any of my friends, do.

Mr. Gourdie equates this approach to demagoguery because it will "scare people about the possibility of a Soviet style state."  If demagoguery amounts to  "impassioned appeals to the prejudices and emotions of the populace", as defined by the dictionary, then this approach could only be considered as truth telling because these people are beyond "scaring."   It's time we start calling, at the risk of being called racist, a spade a spade.

Speaking of Being Called Racist

As Zilla so succinctly says, earning her the coveted Quote of the Day Award, as well as kudos for birthing a new word to go with her previous "goonion."

Take Your Racerism and Shove It!

They keep using the "you're a racist!" ploy because it works. People don't know how to respond to it, so they get flustered and try to explain how they are not racist, which just makes them look worse (ex. "B-b-b-ut but I have black friends!" *eye roll*) and it completely derails whatever point was originally trying to be made. As if one has just had poo thrown at them and splattered on their clothes, they are no longer thinking about what they were supposed to be doing and are instead completely focused on doing whatever it takes to get that poo off of them, only to learn (too late) that attempts to wipe it off just drives it deeper into the fibers of the cloth, leaving a horrible smelly stain. read it all
 Bottom line?  They keep calling us "racists", which is not provably true, so why the heck are we so afraid to call them Marxists, which is provably true?  


Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Our Lady of Fatima warned that if we do not repent, pray the Rosary, and turn back to God, the errors of Russia would permeate the whole world.

I am afraid you are describing this horrid prophecy.

We must pray. We must repent. We must hold firm to God's Law.

We're in for a "bumpy ride".

God has the last word, however.
Our Lady has promised us that She would protect all who invoke her.

Matt said...

Jim did deliver with that post. He is entirely correct in that we need to take the left to task by calling them out. There have been several bloggers that have mentioned things along the same lines. These people do follow Marxist policies, and they do NOT match the beliefs of most Americans. Pointing that out forcefully is a great way to get folks to see that.

Zilla said...

Thank you for linking and quoting me, and thank you for the QotD award! What an honor! Terrific post, Adrienne and spot on, we really can't afford to dance around the subject, it is far better to just tell the truth and call things what they are.