Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday: Devoted to all things Israel...

Maggie, over at her Notebook, has just returned from a fabulous vacation, received her one millionth visitor (congrats), and managed to put together a concise and easy to understand mini-history of Israel.  While the true and complete history of Israel would have to start with the Bible, Maggie begins in 1920, which is  sufficient to understand the egregious comments made by Obama concerning the rearranging of the borders (again) of Israel.

To suggest, as Obama does, that a return to the pre-1967 borders for Israel will somehow have everyone standing around singing Kumbaya, is not only laughable, but could only be considered anti-Jewish.  Bear in mind that what are called the “1967 borders” were never agreed-upon national boundaries.
 [...] "Remember that before the Six Day War, those lines in the West Bank only demarcated where five Arab armies were halted in their invasion of the nascent state of Israel 19 years earlier. Legally, they formed only an armistice line, not a recognized international border. No Palestinian state ever existed that could have claimed these prewar lines. Jordan occupied the West Bank after the Arab invasion, but its claim to sovereignty was not recognized by any U.N. members except Pakistan and the U.K. As Jordan's U.N. ambassador said before the war, the old armistice lines "did not fix boundaries." Thus the central thrust of Arab-Israeli diplomacy for more than 40 years was that Israel must negotiate an agreed border with its Arab neighbors."  Dore Gold from WSJ

Israel’s Pre-1967 War Borders: What They Mean – The Reality
Barack Obama said the way to peace between Israel and Palestine is for Israel to move their borders back to the pre-1967 Six Day War lines. Such a dishonest stance for any person, world leader or not, is astonishing, unless you support the demise of Israel. Here is a simple, truthful and easily understood reminder of those borders – usually, and conveniently ignored by those who accuse Israel of “occupying” Palestinian territory.  read Maggie's complete summation


AT: The Coming Assault on Israel
AT :  A Tale ofTwo Betrayals
Clarice's Pieces: Obama and the 'Teutonic Shift' in the Middle East
 The Globe &Mail:   Ottawa won’t back Obama’s Mideast peace proposal
Wayne Allyn Root:  Obama Turns His Back On Israel
Woman Honor Thyself:   Two-State “Solution”?..I don’t think SO

Notice how often Bibi uses the word "reality."  Now there's a word that's not a part of any loony lefty lexicon. 


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

This seems to be covered quite a bit today. Great job!

Randy-g said...

What will happen when Israel defends itself? I know Bibi won't count on Barry...
Have a great Sunday Adrienne. And thanks for the "week" long blog of the day link!

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

What has shocked me is that the entire Jewish community is not on board with Netanyahu in this matter. When I hear of those in the Jewish community who support Obama, while knowing his stance on this issue just boggles my mind.

I'm also very upset and shocked that Hillary Clinton, who was always pro-Israel sat there in support of Obama when he gave this speech. I'd love to know what in the world is going on with these so-called "progressives" who think they can negotiate with terrorists?

And I too would wonder what the implication would be if Israel actually tried to defend itself. It doesn't look like they will get any form of support from the US, thanks to Obama and his anti-Zionist friends in the White House.

This is very very scary. I worry for the Israeli's, I really do.

Maggie@MaggiesNotebook said...

Adrienne, thank you so much for this link and the links to the other articles. I want to read them all!

I share Mary Ellen's "shock" about the American Jewish community, but it is a shock that never recedes. They never change! Sadly, many Jews are Democrat first, and a cherished human child of God second.

WomanHonorThyself said...

Hussein hates Israel period. Have a blessed Sunday despite it all !

Adrienne said...

Odie - this issue needs to be covered.

Adrienne said...

Randy - I think this will dissolve into a bunch of blah, blah, blah. Obama has shown his true colors so many times. I don't understand people not seeing him for what he is.

A day, a week, a lifetime - all the same to someone with ADD.

My favorite quote from Dr. Hallowell, an expert on adult ADD:

"For the person with ADD, there are only two times - now and not now. Perfect description!

Adrienne said...

Nunly - here's the thing - there's crappy Catholics and crappy Jews. No doubt there's plenty of crappy Protestants and Baptists. It's the human condition - or something.

Adrienne said...

Maggie - you did a wonderful job on the history of Israel. I would have done it expect I couldn't see anyway to compress it.

Adrienne said...

Angel - Of course he hates Israel. He spent 20 years in a anti-Semite "church" listening to the rants of a psychopath.

At least we'll have a week long break while he takes another vacay. The bonus? We'll get to snark on all the ugly crap his ugly mean-spirited wife wears. ;-)

Sherry said...

He thinks he's being Solomonesque, splitting the baby and that those that love it (Israel), will surrender the baby (land) rather than have it destroyed.

What he's really doing, is aborting Israel.

Teresa said...

A Two-State solution will never work. The terrorists will not compromise. Obama has revealed himself to be anti-Israel. The pre-1967 borders are indefensible. Is Obama provoking a war against Israel?

Free Online Tutoring said...

President Obama has set back everything he’s touched since he showed up. The economy to pre-Reagan numbers, foreign policy to the Cold War ’60′s, race relations to the late 60′s, early 70′s. Obama should be forever the poster child for the complete, utter, total failure of the political movement we call “Liberalism”

Anonymous said...

Bibi could not have handled this any better. This is how a leader is supposed to act.

Free Online Astrology said...

Now, after Obama's speech, it is for the Palestian Arabs to approach the table at which Israel has been sitting and waiting for them for the past two years to talk peace. Let us hope, when they do so, that they will come clean handed and in good faith to negotiate, while knowing full well that they will be asked to accept Israel's right to be, to exist as the nation state of the Jewish people, and that a peace treaty, if and when is signed, will mean the "end of the conflict and the end of all future demands. This poster is waiting...

Abbey's Road said...

Awesome article! So basically, the war b/t the two was essentially "caused" by the U.N. partition .... and what, pray tell, started it all anyway? People who do not live in those areas should not be making those kinds of decisions. It has caused many deaths and will continue to cause death and war if idiotical resolutions like that proposed by Obomination are taken seriously.

The problems in the Middle East are a touchy issue with me. The Bible says there will always be strife and conflict there, so if our nations rulers who proport to believe in God actually READ their Bible, they would know this and we would not be there on foreign soil leading our men and women of the military into death today. What has been written [expressed] by and through God, cannot be changed!

Anonymous said...

That was an excellent piece of work that Maggie did.
I'm one of those cynics that bellieve that Obama wants to see war breakout between Israel and its Arab neighbors. He will have to commit the Us to enter the war on the side of Israel and this will somehow insure his reelection.

Specter said...

In spite of proof like this, the MSM still insists that O-bomb-o's not a Muslim or a terrorist-sympathizer at all. Amazing.

Adrienne said...

Abbey - the animus dates back to Biblical times. I think the major trouble started when Great Briton threw them under the bus and added a chunk of them to Tran-Jordan.

Adrienne said...

Sherry - that's a very astute observation...

Adrienne said...

Teresa - perhaps he's provoking a war so we can step in and defend Israel. Certain reelection, doncha know?

Adrienne said...

Free Online Whatevers: I know you're spam, but I actually liked your comments, so I let them stay.