Friday, May 6, 2011

On seeing...

something to think about.

If we could still really see what day after day is shown on the six o'clock news, we would burst out in tears.  We would pray, or kneel, or perhaps make the sign of the cross over that screen in an impotent gesture of exorcising such evil, such insanity.  But there we sit, programmed as we are to look-at, to stare passively at those burning tanks, those animals choking in oil spills.  We perfunctorily shake our heads, take another sip of our drink, and stare at the manic commercials until the thing switches back to smiling bigwigs reviewing honor guards, rows of corpses, and beauty queens preening. 

Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing, 1993
Frederick Franck 1909-1996  

From the front deck - click to enlarge

1 comment:

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

I like that. Sometimes...often, we need to step back from the noise and reports of the evil in this world and look at reality...God's gift of beauty which He gave us and often ignore. That's reality!