Friday, May 13, 2011

Obama: Classless, Clueless, and Crude...

he needs to go away.

Never in the history of this country has such a boorish charlatan attained the office of President of the United States.  While some former presidents may have been less than stellar in their personal behavior (Clinton and his cigars comes to mind), never have we had a person who has so publicly embarrassed us to this degree on the national, as well as international stage.

His slights to our allies, insults to the citizens of this country, race baiting, and the behavior by the low-brow entertainers he invites to the White House is an outrage.   He denies aid to Texas for help with their fires while propping up every tin-pot dictator, and then goes to El Paso and makes fun of each and every person in this country who wants our borders secured.  The same borders, I might remind you, that are an open invitation to every crazy Muslim wacko to walk across and kill our citizens (unless an illegal doesn't get them first.)

His wife's behavior is no better.  Dressed like a low-class hooker, she delights in keeping the focus of attention on herself, while demeaning the populace by insisting they're too stupid to feed their own kids. She hoochie dances with Beyonce and holds her up as a role model for little children, who I might add, are almost always black.  Racist?  You bet!

Here's a thought for you Mr. President in-name-only: 

How about dropping the Muslim outreach in favor of protecting the citizens of this country?  How about staying in Washington and not flying around non-stop campaigning on my dime?  How about you returning the 400K salary we so generously give you since you refuse to uphold the laws of this country? 

Alligators, Mr. President?  You bet!  And throw in a few pythons, water moccasins, and sharks for good measure.  You're a weak, disgusting fool, and act pretty much like every lefty Marxist I've ever met; smug, snarky, and self-satisfied.

 Border Community Organizing Petition to Protest Obama's Immigration Speech

The residents of the Chiricahua-Peloncillo drug and human smuggling corridor that runs from the Mexican border north through eastern Arizona and western New Mexico are circulating a petition to send to the White House in response to President Obama's recent immigration speech.
"It is with great wonderment and sadness that we listened to your May 10 speech on immigration issues.  All of the joking about moats and alligators cut residents of Portal, AZ, to the core as we sheltered with friends or at a Red Cross evacuation site, to survive a terrible fire that still threatens our lives and property, as well as our ecotourism-based economy," the letter reads. read the rest


Linked by The Daley Gator.  I'm honored!


Teresa said...

I love the alligator idea! Heck, anything to get immigrants to come here legally. I think we need to send the head alligator (Obama) back to the swamp, very far away.

Adrienne said...

Teresa - Exactly! Obama as chum. Great idea...

Reaganite Independent said...

RIGHT ON, sister

The Obamas act like some poorly raised slobs from Chicago -like the Bundys- who won the lottery... which is basically what they are

I can relate to your rage level... seriously, I am absolutely appalled by the idea this guy ever even set foot in the White House, what a hideous scar on our nation's history.

And the worst is yet to come probably, good grief

Old Bob said...

I saw a note on Facebook today that said something like:
"What would you say if Obama tipped his hat to you?"
I replied that I would say:
"Mr. Obama, to me you don't tip your hat. You BOW!"

Anita Moore said...

The guy's a boob and a disgrace to his office and to the country. But however much he is disapproved in this country: we must not get complacent and count on him NOT getting re-elected. We cannot afford to stay home on election night in November 2012. He could get re-elected, just like Bill Clinton did. (And who would have ever thought he could even get elected in the first place, let alone re-elected?)

Always On Watch said...

I don't recall any other President being so publicly disdainful of Americans in general. His arrogance with that alligators-in-the-moat statement, a snide remark if ever there was one, shows him up for what he is. Later down the line, if somebody calls him on that snide statement, he'll likely quip, "That was humor."


The statement showed him up as a small, small man -- one not worthy of the title President of the United States.

Adrienne said...

RR - I was a bit peeved (to put it mildly!) Must have been all that Holy Spirit floating around at Confirmation yesterday. heh

Adrienne said...

Bob - how about "kiss my rear patoot, you fake.

Adrienne said...

Anita - absolutely correct. I'm going to use you comment in a post.

Adrienne said...

AOW - he is reprehensible!

Amusing Bunni said...

This is stellar! Well said Adrienne.
Except low class hookers are likely to be highly insulted being compared to moochie and all. Even hookers have standards, and that bimbo isn't fit to hail their cars.

Blue said...

Well stated, Young Lady.... :)

Subvet said...

Bravo. I've been told parts of Florida are overrun by gators because they're a protected species. Let's relocate some to the border states.

On a more serious note, B.O. is just a symptom. The root problem are all the starry-eyed fools who voted for him and all the complacent ones who stayed home rather than perform their civic duty.

Those of us who give a damn need to speak long and loud. Kinda like you're doing with this post.

Adrienne said...

Bunni - Aw, shucks. I just had my dander (what is that, anyway?) up.

Adrienne said...

Blue - blush

Adrienne said...

Sub - your assessment of the root problem is spot on. We have a serious problem in this country with uneducated people.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to inform you Adrienne, Michelle dresses like a high class Escort.

Teresa said...

Helen is the perfect example of an Obamabot that keeps on spewing nonsensical word spooge out of her brain.

Anonymous said...

Why is it just old, while people who hold conservative views? By 2030, whites will be in the majority in the U.S. Thanks be to GOD!!

Randy-g said...

It could not have been said any better by anyone Adrienne. Thank you.

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

Excellent post, I feel your rage and you said it all perfectly.

Regarding the speech. Obama is going to continue speeches just like that one as he campaigns around the country to garner the Hispanic vote. What needs to be done is to have a counter-group close to where he is a tea-party crowd, with a spokesperson who can give a speech exactly like the one that is written in that petition. Point out the reality, make sure the news media (ones that will actually get the news out) is there to record it. Make it go viral on YouTube.

This will also make it VERY clear to all the Republicans who are in the Congress to wake up and see that if they don't support border control, they will be the next to be voted out of office.

Zilla said...

Dang, girl, you SPANKED those awful people, I love it! I am still catching up from the Great blogger Blackout, so I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner, but I just shared your awesome, awesome post at the A-C page. Great job, Adrienne.

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!! You said what we are all thinking! WTG :)