Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If Sarah Palin is so stupid, unimportant, and politically insignificant...

then why is everyone following her around and trying to figure out what she's doing?

Logging on to Memeorandum this morning (something I rarely do), I was confronted by not one, not two, but three top articles covering Sarah and her tour.

Politico, a scurvy site to be sure, breathlessly exclaims "Palin in Gettysburg as Day 3 begins."

CNN gets top billing at Memeorandum for "Palin fakes out reporters at Gettysburg hotel."

Some other person from CNN reports: Iowa-bound Palin: Republican presidential field will change

Love the comments and added my thoughts to the mix:

Does anyone really care what this bimbo does or says? She is just so irrelevant. Really? Then why does she make headlines day after day?

Stop reporting on this idiotic, ignorant celebrity. Please. Just. Stop. But, but - you took the time to read it, didn't you?

Palin looks ridiculous,.. trying to look tough with her leather jacket and riding on the back of a motorcycle,.. she should stick to her tricycle,.. and what's with the helmet?.. there's no danger of damaging anything upstairs. I think she looked pretty hot.

Political grandstanding instead of actually participating in a memorial day service is tells where her priorities are.  I believe Rolling Thunder is a Memorial Day service. Might I remind you that your president, after spending as little time as he could on Memorial Day commitments, played golf for the 70th time since being elected?  How many golfers had their Memorial Day ruined because that fool was on the course?
John Carey, over at Sentry Journal,  has some thoughts on why Sarah drives the loony left even loonier:
Why does Sarah Palin drive the left so crazy? Why do they attack her academic credentials, her intelligence, and even her family? In my opinion I believe it’s because she’s real. What I mean by this is with her what you see is what you get and this drives the left absolutely bonkers. She’s grounded in strong conservative principles, unwavering in her faith, and devoted to her family; all that the far left abhors and fears. And finally she connects with the conservative base and this troubles the establishment. read the rest

 Meantime, Congressman Weiner is still playing with his Weiner - or something. His weiner manages to get 8 headlines on Memorandum.  

Stacy McCain has been providing coverage (and thank goodness that weiner was covered) on Weinergate. 

The Curious Case of the Weiner-Following (And Weiner-Followed) Teenage Girl


Randy-g said...

I am in the camp that thinks Sarah scares the bejesus out of not only Barry, but most of the left(and the beltway Repubs)!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

It's called fear. First the left will try to convince you that she is irrelevant and try and steer you in Mitt's direction. If this doesn't work, they will try and destroy her.

Weiner is a weiner ... and that's all I have to say about that.

Terry Nelson said...

I think Mrs. Palin is beautiful. She's a very pretty woman - cute actually. Perky.

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

If the Democrats had someone as beautiful as Sarah Palin in their camp they would be fawning all over her in a pic like that. I agree, she looked pretty hot and that drives the left crazy.

I know of a small progressive blog that has something about Palin just about every single day...it goes beyond derangement.

Blue said...

I agree. They are afraid of her. For good reason. :) I like her.

Montana said...

Run Sarah run......Sarah Palin was so successful as a governor, she graduated early “Bitter Quitter”, she real is a “Dan Quayle” in heels. She clearly loves “dishing it out” but real can’t take it because she loves playing the victim card. Poor thing she fail as a VP candidate (her lie that her daughter was engaged was such a farce), her stand-up comic fiasco on the Jay Leno Show, please, her TV show canceled after declining rating, I guess her perpetual run for the White House is the only thing she can look forward to, but since she is a coward she will only throw small minded rocks, poor thing. Since we already had an idiot “W” that caused our current economic debacle, America knows not to trust the GOP fools who flaunt the idiocy.

Adrienne said...

Randy, Odie, and Blue - absolutely no sane person would spend so much time trying to demonize someone who they did not fear.

Adrienne said...

Terry - You know deep down in your heart you like her - you really, really like her ;-)

Adrienne said...

Nunly - I've noticed that most of the democratic females are rather unattractive. Their personalities really shine through...

Adrienne said...

Montana - yawn...

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

Does Obamacare cover Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome? I hope so, it sounds like Montana may be terminal.

Subvet said...

I've a friend in South Carolina who will reluctantly admit voting for B.O. He started ranting about Sarah Palin and how she "quit" as governor the other night. I ended that PDQ by citing the frivolous lawsuits she was fighting, they detracted from her effectiveness as governor and cost the people of Alaska a butt ton of money in legal costs.

He didn't know that. DUH!

I think the libs are throwing everything they can at the woman, looking for what will really stick. It might work too, look at how her reputation suffered during the last campaign.

The only thing stopping that is folks who know the true score speaking out long and loud. We've got to keep on doing it. Because once they're done with Palin they'll turn against the next perceived threat to their reign.

Just keep on keeping on. The fight ain't over until WE say it's over.

Blue said...

Uninformed in Montana:




Personal Home Inspector said...

Not as much as she'd like you to think. The real insider’s don’t trust her, and they realize she's unelectable. The major strategist¬s like Rollins and McKinnon, wouldn't touch her. There are a lot of bad things that happened in the McCain campaign that really set some Republican insiders off. Some of it is hinted at in Game Change.

Specter said...

The lovely Sarah can come to Montana and grace the back of my bike anytime!

Anonymous said...

even morons have their followers

Pissed off Jester said...

Speaking of morons... why didn't you learn how to punctuate or capitalize in grammar school, Anon? Or how about you, Montana? What the hell does "she graduated early 'Bitter Quitter', she real is a “Dan Quayle”, or "but real can’t take it", or "Poor thing she fail" mean? Is broken English a sign of intelligence to you Progtards?

Of course it is. America = bad, Third-World = good.