Monday, May 23, 2011

First real look: Joplin, Missouri...


H/T The Blaze where they have more videos and photos.


Randy-g said...

Devastating...I asked God to send all a special blessing.

Stogie said...

I lived in Joplin, Missouri as a child...loved the place. Lots of happy childhood memories there. I do remember, however, spending the night in a cellar at least twice due to tornados, which we called "twisters." Neither caused this kind of damage, however.

Adrienne said...

Randy - I think lots of people are sending prayers - at least I hope so.

Adrienne said...

Stogie - Joplin is a great place. What happened is so sad :-(

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

My niece lives there. She was in the Walmart before it hit and when they started telling people to find cover in the store, she took off and went to the parking lot and took off for home because her young kids were there with her friend's mother. The woman watching the kids didn't speak English so she was afraid she wouldn't know to take shelter with them.

She was very lucky, got out with enough time before it hit the Walmart. I couldn't believe what it looked like this morning when I saw the pics. When I talked to her last night, she wasn't sure of everything that was damaged yet...just knew that all her neighbors were coming over to tell her, "Everything is gone." The only reason I was able to reach her was because she had a generator to give her the electricity to use her land-line. None of the cell phones seemed to be working.

I thought she was crazy for leaving the store when she first told me, but after seeing those pics, I'm glad she did.

christian soldier said...

Have experienced a tornado (a small one-thank God)

I will take the 8 point EARTHQUAKE-(the actual read -because we were at the 'whip end)that struck in 1994- (-all dishes-broken-chimneys down-house moved from side to side)

-over a tornado!!!...

My heart goes out to those in Missouri..

BTW-glad your husband is well...

christian soldier said...

BTW-my site w/my sculptures and other works is 13th down on my roll-thought you would be interested ---
enjoyed Maggie's Notebook-Horse/rider sculptor-David Lemon...
thank you for the heads up to MC-

Anonymous said...

I feel for these poor people. This is perfect example of why personal preparation is so important.