Thursday, April 7, 2011

Prosser Ahead in Wisconsin by 7500 votes...

take that, unions!

AP Wis. corrects vote count, gives incumbent big lead


Charlene said...

I wonder your reaction had the incumbnt been ahead by a few hundred and 7500 votes for the other candidate been discovered.

Mark D. said...

I only hope that Prosser will have a large enough lead to overcome whatever tricks the unions have up their sleeves to try to sway this election.

Pablo the Mexican said...

Unions = Americans.

What's wrong with Americans asking for safe working conditions, good pay, health insurance, retirement plans?

Look at Peabody Coal, the Unions and President Theodore Roosevelt.

American Businessmen were working eight year old children fourteen to eighteen hour workdays in the underground mines. As soon as a worker died of black lung disease, he was dropped in a hole and covered up, his wife and kids were kicked out of company housing, their credit was cut off at the company store, and so on.

Look at J.P. Stevens and their gross abuse of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant workers.

The French Revolution that ushered in the age of Evil was brought about by wicked employers.

The problems in Unions are like most everything else: corrupt leadership.

An American Businessman left unattended will rob everyone blind.


I forgot.

They are robbing the country into oblivion as we speak.
