do us a favor. Don't come back.
After a rigorous week of doing almost nothing (I do think he found time to hit the links last weekend), Obama, the first woman, and the two daughters are headed to the historic town of Williamsburg this weekend for some "much needed rest and relaxation", which will no doubt include ice cream, ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, and whatever the specialty is around those parts.
Inquiring minds have a few questions before they depart.
Will he find time for golf?
Will the first woman get a new travel outfit?
Will the first dog get to go along?
Does Williamsburg have good ice cream?
How about the burgers?
Will the first woman have time to shop?
Will she break her record of sixteen outfits in three days as she did on her Asian trip?
The Lonely Conservative: No Shortage of Vacations for the Obamas – Next Up Williamsburg!
Doug Ross: What I did for summer, fall, and spring vacation
Daily Press: UPDATE: FAA sets up no-fly zone for Obama's planned trip to Williamsburg