Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Paul Ryan: Obama's speech was dramatically inaccurate...

and we're surprised why??

Hey, Barky.  This is what an adult sounds like. 


wilson said...

Paul Ryan's budget is the best ever. Medicare should be cut. Old people should pay for their own medical care and not the government.

And he's also right about taxing rich people. Rich people should NOT be taxed. There's enough middle class idiots in the country, and they are the ones that should be taxed! Leave the rich people alone they worked hard for their $$$.

Blue said...

Heeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkkk!!!

Mark D. said...

No surprise here. Obama gave a speech big on rhetoric and lacking in specifics, with a completely unrealistic set of expectations about what is sustainable in our federal budget. Tax increases are going to drive the economy into the ditch. And military cuts aren't going to be nearly enough by themselves to solve the problems we face as a country. But Obama remains oblivious to the realities of the situation. That isn't leadership, it is craven pandering to his own ideological prejudices. And we will pay dearly for his lack of vision. This man is our president, and our system only works if he steps up and takes a leadership role. Unfortunately, he is confirming that he lacks the drive to fulfill that role.

Randy-g said...

Dramatically inaccurate? The real world just calls him a liar. I understand Mr. Ryan trying to decent, but good God the campaigner in chief knows one one thing...Lie!

Reaganite Independent said...

Krauthammer called it a "disgrace"

Priscilla said...

Paul Ryan is GORGEOUS!!!!!

Adrienne said...

Priscilla - all these serious comments and the best you can come up with is he's gorgeous??

That made me LOL and I completely agree with you. ;-)

Adrienne said...

Blue - he/she/it is only one of two. What possesses people to be trolls? Can you imagine running around being disagreeable as a vocation?

Adrienne said...

Mark - you're right (as usual) except for the leadership part. He's doing exactly what he intends to do. The man is evil...

Adrienne said...

Randy and RR - liar and disgraceful are quite fitting...

Flyover Pilgrim said...

Now, if only we can get the Repub candidates for President to talk like that.

I won't hold my breath.