Monday, April 18, 2011

Did the Lefties Boo the National Anthem in Wisconsin...

it doesn't appear to be so.

And yet this meme is rocketing through the blogoshphere.  I saw it at  Gateway Pundit, who got it from Fox Nation, and The Blaze, who to their credit updated to include Ann Althouse's assessment of the situation.  Ms Althouse, an attorney and law professor who lives in Madison, was at the rally and gave a different take on the situation.
I was right behind the Tea Party crowd amid anti-Tea Party protesters who were making a lot of noise trying to drown out whatever was coming from the podium. They were, in fact, succeeding in their purpose so well that they could not hear when the national anthem began. read the rest
 We have plenty of reasons to legitimately decry the bad behavior of the loony left without sensationalizing something that probably didn't happen.

Check out the first comment from The Blaze on their article:

Ann Althouse, you can defend them, you can join them, but do not for one minute think we believe you. They have no respect for the flag, and none for the American Anthem. You think we’re stupid?
*eye roll*
 Actully, yes.  We do think you're stupid...

More on bad behavior of the left:

Dad29:  The Left's Attention-Getting Behaviors
Pundette:   Liberals are tolerant to a fault
Rebel Pundit:   Unhinged Lunatics Message to Madison Tea Party & Sarah Palin  H/T Memeorandum

1 comment:

Conservative Pup said...

Good job. Like you, I don't think we need to spread any untruths about the left; they do plenty in reality to shame themselves.