Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The east and west sides of Washington state...

are not the same.

I watched the video of Megyn Kelly (link below) discussing the new policing policies in Seattle with an attorney.   It seems the police are being instructed to "go easy" or to even ignore the crimes committed by "minorities."  After all, as the city attorney says,  "the disproportionate number of blacks being charged is a direct result of economic inequalities."  No it's not.  A disproportionate number of blacks are being charged because they commit a disproportionate number of crimes. 

Now, my buddy Mark who lives in Spokane, is a close neighbor to where I live in North Idaho.  For the most part, the people of Spokane are conservative, family-oriented, normal people.  Drive across Snoqualmie Pass to Seattle, however, and it's a different world - one populated with bicycle riding, wheat grass eating liberals.

It appears Idaho will not be proceeding with nullification of ObamaCare, so the time is ripe to move forward with secession.  Mark is lobbying for North Idaho to be returned to it's original boundaries, and to once again become part of eastern Washington.  A lucid (and well thought out) counter-proposal would be for the new Republic of Northern Idaho to take in the beleaguered eastern part of Washington which always ends up being dictated to by the more populated west side wackos. We could call it the Republic of Northern Idawa - or something. 

Just a thought...

‘Shut Up and Be a Good Little Socialist’: Seattle Policeman Blasts City‘s New ’Social Justice Initiative’

At the same time, The Hill reports that black lawmakers (all members of the Congressional Black Caucus) have this to say about budget cuts:
"It's really especially poignant that this year during Black History Month, the Republican leadership has proposed a budget for fiscal year 2011 that will fall most heavily, mind you, on the backs of the most vulnerable in our society: African Americans, Latinos, and poor, those who have been shut out of the American dream," said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who described the cuts as ill-timed and destructive.
Aren't we all tired of this meme?  "If it wasn't for whitey, these poor beleaguered peoples would all be fine upstanding citizens with a good job, intact family, and a bright future."  The truth is, blacks have sold the blacks down the river, as it were.  Look at any city with a high population of blacks. In most cases you will find a corrupt democratic black mayor and living conditions that would rival any third world nation.

There's no wall around those drug infested ghettos.  At any time, they can pull up those pants that don't even cover the crack of their rear patoots and walk right out.  There are citizens lined up on the ghetto border to help them with education or most anything else they may need. 

If, as Rep. Lee says, they are "the most vulnerable in our society", the blame lays squarely on themselves. Blaming whitey has not worked too well in the past, and it's not going to work in the future.  So stop with the blame.   We're your last best hope.

African-American lawmakers blast budget plan as step back for civil rights

Today's Required Reading:

WSJ: A Union Education.What Wisconsin reveals about public workers and political power.

Wayne Allen Root:  Comparing the Life of a Government Employee with the Private Sector 

T.L.Davis: The Badger Rebellion

No Sheeples Here:  "Subterranean" Racist Impulses

The Economic Collapse:  QE3? Several Top Federal Reserve Officials Seem To Think That More Quantitative Easing Is Necessary


Pundette brings us some much needed good news:   All's right with the world
 I have much work to do today.  Can I trust you all to play nice while I'm gone, use your inside voices, and keep the sand in the sandbox?  Sure I can...


Randy-g said...

My voices inside say throw sand in some leftist eyes...But I wont. Dang it.

Blue said...

Sure you can, Adrienne. Sure you can ;)

I'd seriously consider moving to the Free Republic of North Idaho.

"As long as any person or group of people can expect to gain advantage by screaming "racism", racism will continue to exist."

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. I visited several of the links you provided and have now added them to my favorites list. good stuff!