Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent...

and I don't feel ready.

Usually I look forward to Lent.  It's my favorite liturgical season and I always have high expectations.  I spend much time gathering my reading and laying out my plans. More often than not the reality does not match the expectations. 

This year not one book has yet been chosen.  No penance has been pondered and I just don't feel ready.  It may end up being my best Lent ever.  

From Father John Speekman:  Ash Wednesday - Year A
Redneck Reflections:  Packing for the Desert


Justin said...

Being a "Low Church" Protestant, I've never really practiced Lent. I did not realize that the average Catholic parishioner went to the extent of having planned out readings for Lent. If you don't mind sharing, what have you read in the past? Do you focus on classics like Augustine's Confessions...or do you read contemporary religious literature?

Abbey's Road said...

Adrienne, I NEVER "plan" for Lent ... I am so disorganized in these matters. Instead, I embrace each day as it comes and my reading comes from sporadic leads from one site to another on the net. Living with Christ as our beacon, simply follow and act on what your heart feels. As you said, it might be your best Lent ever. Praying you will have an enlightening Lenten Journey.

Abbey ♥

Fr John Speekman said...

Each Lent I pray about 6 hours a day; I fast on bread and water every day for forty days; I give away all my income to the poor. Aren't I wonderful. I am so glad I am not like that .. Justin.