Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's still Sunday...

so I have little desire to post anything about those crazy teachers up in Wisconsin, even though the very thought of how they're acting, and the demands being made leaves me in such a state of rage I can hardly breath.

No siree - never mind that a public sector union is inherently immoral.  Strong words?  Not at all.  When your wages are negotiated with an elected official that your union dues helped elect, and that elected official is not required to show a profit - hell, they don't even have to break even,  in order to tax producers to fund your own lifestyle, and the producers don't have any say so about  the aforementioned wages, not to mention the cushy benefits and hot-dang pension - it is called stealing.  Simple as that!

Ok - moving on now.

With special thanks to Reaganite Republican for providing us with our Sunday Funnies (and for making little old me his featured blog.)  Let me be the first to say my devotion to RR does not stem from the fact that he is a handsome hunk, but rather from his fine and talented blogging, although the handsome part doesn't hurt.

Reaganite's Sunday Funnies 

And our always delightful Bunni has graced us with a fun and informative weekend post 

I'm gratified to know that the First Woman and her daughters are enjoying a long ski weekend in Colorado.   I guess when Obama said we all have to have some "skin in the game", he was referring to anything she may scrap off her rear patoot while on the slopes. 


Ken & Carol said...

Our teacher friends in Wisconsin seem to have contracted that debilitating condition of Leftism which says about negotiations: "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable."

Fuzzy Slippers said...

You've hit the nail on the head. You know who really needs representation and "collective bargaining"? US, the tax payers who have to pay those people to have better benefits and pensions (MOST of us don't even have pensions, fgs!) than any of us have. It's an outrage! And our elected representatives are finally, at long long last, doing something about it, so the whiners don't go to work? Are you kidding me? Argh. Ticks me off no end.