Thursday, February 24, 2011

How many times does the illegality of public sector unions have to be explained to the loony left...

before they "get it?"

I've explained it, as well as many, many others.  The union thugs just keep spewing their nonsense while the taxpayer takes it in the chops.

T.L. Davis trys once again to explain it in words a mental midget should be able to understand.
"Here's the difference between private sector unions and public sector unions, since that seems to be an intellectual stumbling block for most defenders of the debacle in Wisconsin" read the rest
Governor Walker sums it up nicely.  Bottom line?  It's not about the children.

Comment from the Youtube site: 
These public-sector pitchforks aren't aimed at the governor, folks. They're coming for you! If you're in the private sector and you pay taxes, they want more of what you have. It just looks like they're going after the governor but that's because he's the only thing standing in the way between you and the pitchforks. These are people who aren't used to hearing the word "No". Just look at their retirement plans and health coverage. Chances are, it's better than what you're getting..
 Says it all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Demands from private sector unions are controlled by customers' willingness to pay for the goods and services they provide. If the UAW asks too much for its members' work, people buy non-union cars. So let's test publc sector union demands by putting them to their "customers" by placing those demands, alongside those of "management" (the mayor/governor/President) on the ballot? Write contracts to expire on election day. If the electorate accepts greater cost of government, and the taxes it requires, so be it. If not, these workers can take "management's" offer or find work elsewhere. Sound draconian, heartless? This only mirrors the private free enterprise system. Got a better idea?