Monday, February 14, 2011

Hard Choices? Obama's 2012 "budget" will sink the country...

and the Republicans are no better.

I know that sounds harsh, but it's time we faced some facts here.  Every month millions of responsible American families sit down and work on their budgets.  They look at the amount of money they have, pay their necessities first, maybe put some money in savings, and if there is a tad left over, they may enjoy a dinner out that month or maybe purchase something for the house.

 That's not how it works for the federal government.  They spend money they don't have and then wonder why there's a problem.  And they spend it on things they have no business even being involved in such as the Department of Education or the Environmental Protection Agency (which specializes in such worthy causes as saving the snail darter.)

As usual, when faced with what Politico calls "hard choices", these Washington weenies, and that includes Republicans, tout slashing programs by a few million here or a few million here.  It takes a thousand thousands to make a million and a thousand of those millions make a billion.  Add together a thousand billion to get to a trillion. See the problem?

This myriad of federal departments need to be defunded now.  Anyone with a shred of common sense could find hundreds of departments to throw into the closest trash can.  Check out  A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies to put this in perspective.  Neither the Democrats or the the Republicans will never do this because these unconstitutional programs have been designated as "untouchable."  It's just a way for the "elites" to siphon off our money into their pockets.

Do you anticipate that any of these departments will be defunded?  I sure don't, which means we're in deep doo.  The Republicans and the Democrats will engage in a bit of Kabuki theater over the next few weeks and then it will be back to the same 'ol, same 'ol, while the American public goes back to watching Lady GaGa do something stupid on the Grammy's.  And the beat goes on...


The Other McCain:  The Bottom Line is the Punchline in Obama’s Laughable Joke of a Budget
Bungalow Bill:  OH CRAP!: Obama Proposes a $1.65 Trillion Deficit in New Budget

The Lonely Conservative:   Obama’s Budget: $1.65 Trillion Deficit
Conservative Outrage:   Can You Say Domino?


WomanHonorThyself said...

spot on Adrienne...but in the meantime: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! xxoo

Reaganite Independent said...

GOP just a little better, true- but it's heartening to see the TEA Party rookies holding to their guns so far... the establishment's plan to co-opt them seems to have come to naught

Zilla said...

What planet are our so called "leaders" from that they think this is remotely acceptable?

Anonymous said...

Elect Scott Walker president. He balanced Milwaukee County, and is taking on the state of Wisconsin. Let's get him to do the federal thing - he's not afraid!