Sunday, February 13, 2011

Confession App for Catholics misunderstood and misreported by the people that think they're the MSM...

but really aren't.  We are!

Good grief!  Catholics are not going to the sacrament of reconciliation online.  Anyone who thinks that or reports it as fact is an idiot. 

Now I find out the homosexuals are outraged that having sexual relations with a member of the same sex is a sin.  Really?  REALLY?  Last I checked they were called to chastity just as heterosexual unmarried people are.  Is that really so hard to understand? 

Gay Group "Furious" Over Confession App

A gay rights groups doesn't like the new Confession App for helping people prepare to confess their sins. In fact, they're furious over it. Now that I'm thinking about it, have you read anything about a gay rights group in the past decade where they weren't furious? Even when they win, they're furious that they didn't win more or earlier. Shouldn't a "furious gay group" be an oxymoron? read the rest

Father Z weighs in:

Homosexual activists attack iPhone examination of conscience app for confession

and also earns the

Quote of the Day Award
All compassion and charity is required towards our neighbor.  If our neighbor has a homosexual orientation, our homosexual neighbor should have compassion and charity just like everyone else.  It is never charitable or compassionate to say intrinsically sinful acts are good or indifferent.  They are evils which can result in the spiritual death of our neighbor whom we are called by the Lord Himself to love with the love He modeled on the Cross: charity – the love that looks to the good of the other.  It is a spiritual work of mercy to instruct the ignorant and to admonish the sinner.  We do so with compassion and charity.  Remembering that we, too, are ignorant sinners in many ways, we do so with humility.  We should not be indifferent to the spiritual peril of our neighbors.  It may or may not be our place in our relationships to “admonish” directly or with strength.  But in our actions and words we can admonish in ways suited to our positions and places.

1 comment:

Zilla said...

Alternate opener: Shocker! Sin declared sinful, sinners outraged. LOL
You make a good point about the furious gay groups, they are like offended enraged muslims, it's perpetual with these folks.