Friday, November 19, 2010

S510, TSA, Open Borders, Government Waste, Vacuum Sealers, Preparing, Smart Pills, and Salad Bars - Oh my...

My husband voted this the top "go to" link of the day.

Reaganite Republican brings us

TSA Enhanced Screening Procedures . . . 

and we thank him (notice RR is using my trademark three little dots... called an ellipsis.)

And while TSA agents are feeling up your daughters, the Muslim terrorists are walking across our southern border along with the drug dealers.  

I have one question for the people that appear on the view - Why?  And the same question goes for the "brains have turned to mush" people that watch this drivel dribbling from the mouths of these vile women. 

Mind Numbed Robot has a top-o-the line follow-up post, bringing us more facts and figures on something I posted about yesterday - S510 and we thank him!

We live in North Idaho. It gets cold here, but thankfully not as cold as some places like Minnesota.  When we bought our current house one of the first things we did was install an efficient wood stove.  One winter the electricity was off for three days.  While we remained warm and even cooked meals on top of the stove (the great outdoors became our refrigerator) - neighbors living in big fancy houses were cold and miserable. Water heated on the stove became our "bath" water, and our kerosene lanterns brightened our evenings.  
People today are woefully unprepared for the unexpected.  In particular city people who think that every time they hit a switch their world will "light up", suffer during times of emergency.    It's just common sense to be prepared.  Our parents knew this and so should you...

Vacuum Sealers

And to answer Quite Rightly about what type of vacuum sealer I use - it's the Food Saver (the highest rated vacuum sealer on the market.)  I purchased one at Costco years and years ago.  It paid for itself the first time I used it.  We purchase much of our food in bulk or at least larger quantities.  For instance:  cheddar cheese in five pound chunks purchased at Costco is about half the cost of the grocery store (and it's better cheese.)  The chunk is cut into 3 or 4 pieces, each of which is vacuum sealed.  It's good for many, many months.

Spices purchased in bulk are decanted into pint canning jars, vacuumed sealed, and can last for years.  When I make meatballs it is usually by the hundreds.  They are frozen on trays and then vacuum sealed.  I buy whole tri-tip roasts for about $3.00 per pound less than pre-cut.  I cut up the steaks myself and vacuum them for the freezer.  One tri-tip gives us steaks for about a year.  Time investment?  About one hour to save hundreds of dollars.

One year I kept careful track of everything I purchased at Costco, plus any sale items from other stores, and compared it to the equivalent cost at our local grocery store.  My savings for that year was approximately five thousand dollars. What could you do with an extra five grand?  

Beck TV Background Guide to Food Storage Preparation 

“Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.”

"This proverb offers an important piece of advice, especially for today’s uncertain times.  As Glenn explains on his Thursday Fox News 5 p.m. broadcast, it’s important for you and your family to always have hope for the future, but to be prepared to face life’s uncertainties.
Are you prepared?  Here’s a useful guide from Glenn on what you can do:" read the rest

Thanks to New Zealand blog for this little video that expains government spending to boost the economy and why it doesn't work.  It backs up the most important lesson I ever learned about running a successful business:  There is money coming in and money going out.  What's coming in better be more than what's going out.  Simple!

Which brings us to Fuzzy Logic and the Socialist-Progressives' Millionaire Phobia Dilemma.

Unemployed to go without turkeys this Thanksgiving?

Maybe if we defunded crap like Planned Parenthood there would be money to help the unemployed.  Ya think?  Pundette brings us:    Pence: Let's defund Planned Parenthood

Or how about de-funding NPR?  Another Black Conservative brings us House fails to eliminate NPR funding

This is something I knew nothing about, but thanks to my favorite Bunni, I do now...

Another Bitter Pill, Watch and Learn!

And while our president has once again escaped the confines of DC, his crazy wife is wanting to put salad bars in schools.  I say give the little brats a brown paper bag with a PB and J sandwich and call it lunch.  Take all those cafeterias out of the schools.  I'm tired of feeding everyone's kids. And I don't want to hear from any bleeding heart liberal about the kids that are starving.  That can be handled locally by the school purchasing some peanut butter and a loaf of bread at the day-old bakery outlet where, as a matter of fact, I purchase my bread.

White House to put up to 5,000 salad bars in schools 


Quite Rightly said...

Just added a Food Saver to my shopping list!

I thank you!

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Adrienne! Thanks for linking me, I'm glad I could enlighten you, and also that I'm your fav bunni ;-)
"I say give the little brats a brown paper bag with a PB and J sandwich and call it lunch." I love that quip , and concur.

The school lunches are a TOTAL waste and 3/4 of them don't even eat the food, they are too busy going outside smoking and drinking and doing Lord knows what else. All this was put into place to funnel more money to the unions. Now moochell (who should eat more salads HERSELF) is ramping it up as a kickback and payment to the unions that control the schools, food service, SEIU hacks, etc. The "brats" will really that that stuff away now. The only greens they care about are the kind you can smoke ;-)

have a fun weekend, and thanks for all the good info.

robot said...

Excellent list o' links you've got here Adreinne. Thanks much for the inclusion. I'm especially thankful you recommended a Food Saver. I've been wanting to purchase one. Now I know which to get. Been stocking up myself lately. I expect to buy a chest freezer in the near future for some venison coming soon. Have a great day!

republicanmother said...

I have a copy of old yearbook from the 40s of a local elementary school. Apparently, the lunch lady's job was to can fruits and veggies all summer for use in the cafeteria. This is before the Federal school lunch program. The older kids were responsible for helping in the cafeteria.

In my school, we already had a salad bar. And you're right, most kids dump their lunches. Most kids will go hungry before they'll eat vegetables.

I really need to get a Food Saver, maybe Santy will bring me one.

Subvet said...

Memo to self: place Food Saver on shopping list for next trip to Costco.

My kids (7 yrs, 5 yrs, & 3 yrs) are as one with PBJ or grilled cheese sandwiches. Unfortunately the Food Police are everywhere, even in our church preschool which "highly recommends sufficent protein" for lunch before allowing my daughter to eat her dessert. The poor kid normally comes out of class with her cookies in her bag. The ride home has become an occasion for snacks while "Dad" drives.

Salad (aka rabbit food)? Give. me. a. break.

Any kid that wanted salad would worry me. That's the one that will wind up in a bell tower with a rifle someday!

Adrienne said...

Sub - Food Savers are the bomb!!

Any kid that wanted salad would worry me. That's the one that will wind up in a bell tower with a rifle someday!

Ok - That made me laugh out loud!

Tons of protein in PB - however you do run the risk of a peanut sensitive kid taking a bite of Sugars sandwich, asphyxiating, and her subsequently being charged with murder. On the bright side she will be charged as a minor and be out by the age of 18 (and will get lots of nutritious protein-rich food to eat while in the slammer.)

ignorant redneck said...

Food Saver--on the list! Thanks for the heads up about SB 510