Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Lady Dresses in Trash Bag to Show Her Solidarity With the "Small" People

and we thank her!    Moochelle thinks her job as first lady is "hell" and she sure dresses for the part.

More pictures here - if you can stand it...



Subvet said...

Her clothing seems to get more snug as time goes by, perhaps all that vacation food is taking a toll on the "Menu Maven" who lectures us on healthy eating.

But on the plus side, if her backside gets any bigger she could make some extra cash by renting it out as a billboard.

Amusing Bunni said...

Those pics were very nauseating, and she doesn't even shave her pits, ewww, ewww, and ewwww. They are truly peasants pretending to be royalty.

Adrienne said...

Sub - you are toooooooo funny!!

Adrienne said...

Bunni - bingo! you're the first one to notice the underarm thingy. I checked several other pictures and I'm pretty sure it's not just a shadow.
And for gosh sakes - why won't anyone tell her to put on some stockings. Trashy!!

MightyMom said...
