Friday, August 6, 2010

Some of the Best Posts on the Recent Same-Sex Marriage Ruling w/ my thoughts FWIW

starting off with the humble and kind blogger, Stacy McCain, who has once again shown us how a good writer writes - or something.  He also garnered the coveted quote of the day award (which really doesn't happen every day, but no matter.)   Equality Über Alles
"As with Roe v. Wade, once the elite make up their minds about a subject, they go to court to impose their will on the rest of us, and then subject us to lectures about how benighted and backward we are for not sharing their enthusiasm for Progress." Stacy McCain
Bob Belvedere over at The Camp of the Saints beautifully elaborates on things Stacy has said:
And In The End, The Love You Make, Is Equal To…

Smitty is in agreement with a couple of libertarian homosexuals who favor getting the government out of the marriage business. 

So is Cheeky Pink Girl in Sign Me Up for a Church Wedding.

Viewed From the Right disagrees with same-sex marriage in  A rejoinder to The Classic Liberal
and (IMO) has some very good reasons. 

 The Blog Prof has a great video and voices his opinion (quite forcefully) in  CNN Goes To Gay Bar In West Hollywood For Their ONLY Reaction To Prop 8 Ruling Overturning Gay Marriage Ban in CA

 Matthew Archbold in We the People Means 9, weighs in and earns the second quote of the day award.
"Secularists are winning the culture war because for too long those upholding traditional values didn’t understand the field on which the culture war was taking place. For too long we thought it was simply a battle for the hearts and souls of our fellow Americans. We didn’t know the people had nothing to do with it. When we figured that out we then moved towards politics until we found out that the Senate and the House isn’t where the real power resides either. Then and only then did we discover that the only reason politicians matter is so they can nominate or block judges who actually make the decisions."
 And last but certainly not least - from my legal beagle buddy in Spokane, Mark at Ordered Liberty,  comes  Perry v. Schwarzenegger and the confusion of rights with desires .  A most excellent post with some outstanding links.

And what do I think?

  I think this will end up at the Supreme Court.  I'm thinking the Supremes will uphold the over-turning of  Prop 8, which really means Kennedy, as Mark points out. 

None of this is really about "marriage", but about a small minority of people wishing to impose their beliefs on the majority.  Being able to get "married" is not the goal here.  Homosexuals don't want tolerance or equality.  They want you to not only accept their choice of sexual activities, but to approve and even consider a man having sex with a man (with all that entails), and a woman with a woman as normal.  It's not and it never will be normal. 

Within 10 years or less of this passing, the entire social structure will be even more tilted than it already is.  If the state guarantees homosexual marriage as a "right", it will open the floodgates to all sorts of open indoctrination in the schools, churches, and the work place.  Homosexual adoption and artificial insemination will be the norm.  We can expect the courts to be clogged with same-sex couples fighting over their little designer babies when the union goes belly-up.  If over 50% of heterosexual marriages end in divorce, we can certainly not expect "homosexual marriage" to be an improvement.

The state has traditionally protected and encouraged marriage and the family because it's for the good of society.  However, when they began rewarding women for having children out of wedlock by throwing money at them, and then coming up with the concept of  "no-fault divorce", it has wreaked havoc on our society.  Single mothers are, in most cases, the poor that the rest of us have to support.  Women and men are cast aside like used Kleenex just because a partner is having a mid-life crisis.  Unlike the former wife of Tiger Woods, most of these women will live in reduced circumstances - many to the point of poverty. Boys are raised without fathers to teach them the proper meaning of being a man.  And don't even get me started on raising a little girl without a strong father figure to teach her how she should expect to be treated by a real man.

Is there any chance our society will once again embrace our former strong standards of morality?  Sure.  As soon as we have a huge, ugly crisis.  And, trust me (said the spider to the fly), this crisis is coming sooner than we may think, and it will be unimaginably horrible.

So - that's what I think.

A really cool idea!

Head over to Reaganite Republican.  He came up with the best ever idea.  He did 'point" and Michael at Jumping in Pools did the counterpoint.  Maybe I could talk RR into doing one with moi. 

Point-Counterpoint: Is Obama Simply Incompetent... or is it All by Design? Then Take Our Poll...


Reaganite Independent said...

You know Ade, the post would have been just fine without the picture, you know!

And this all has nothing to do with rights... it's a Leftist assault on religion, period. Civil partnerships should be fine for these people... and I'm OK with that.

Since they insist on a Christian-like "marriage", I suspect this is driven by the far Left, communists, and Obammunists... and the goal is to destroy Christian principles, authority, relevance, traditions, and morals- that Bourgeoise crap is standing in the way of the revolution, man

Amusing Bunni said...

Great post, Adr. I love Stacy's quote too. It's so very true.
I'm sick of this police state atmosphere, stacking the court w/ commies and worse. Lord help us.
Have a nice weekend. RR has spot on comment, too.

Adrienne said...

RR - Trust me - I could have published a much worse picture IYKWIMAITYD

Thumbs up on everything else you've said, too

Adrienne said...

Bunni - RR always has spot-on comments 'cause he's kinda a spot-on type guy.

You have a wonderful weekend, too. I think I may not post again until Monday. We'll see...

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

"Marriage" (as in what is common understanding) is the last thing the radical homosexualist lobby wants;
statistics bear this out...monogamy is NOT a part of most homosexual "unions"; the undermining of society is the result of this move to recognize same sex unions; maybe not the intent, but it is certainly going to be the result.
And the welfare of children in these "situations" evidently does not seem to be a priority in those advocating it.
Auntie A--you are dead-on correct: a crisis (chastisement?) will help to correct the moral compass. Hang on folks; pray, read Scripture, intercede; Catholics (and those who love our Lady): pray the rosary. And stand up for life, the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of marriage between one woman and one man.

Adrienne said...

Nazareth Priest -

monogamy is NOT a part of most homosexual "unions"

Since two of my previous incarnations have been hairdresser and ballroom dance instructor, both businesses full of homosexual men, that statement is an absolute fact.

I knew literally hundreds of "gay" men, most of whom were my friends, and not one of them was monogamous. The only one who wanted to be monogamous (my dear friend, Rick), was partnered with a typical homosexual who insisted on "boys night out." My friend ended up shooting himself with a shotgun. I still miss him almost 40 years later. The rest of them are dead from AIDS.

It is truly a horrible way to live.

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Yes, indeed.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Rick.
Will include him in my prayers and Masses.
As I have said before on other sites, we were all made for love; that is how God has created love and to be loved.
We were not all made to have sexual relations.
Life, a beautiful and enriching life, can be lived without sex; but not without love.
That is the message we as Catholics/Christians have to give to the world, so many suffering with such awful wounds of rejection, betrayal, lack of self-worth...God loves us first and foremost; we have to love one another in a credible and tangible way that does not take advantage of another, disrespect the other, or betray the other; sex outside of marriage, no matter what the configuration, is all of the above.

Sarah Oldham said...

Phew. This war is exasperating! I agree with everything you wrote in this post/article. Many folks today are in despair, I think, and it's so sad to watch. I am praying - and hoping for reasoning to kick in and TRUTH to follow in short order. God help us!

Repack Rider said...

Nothing that anyone else does will affect my marriage.

If someone else is happy being married to one of the same sex, why should I want to destroy their happiness? Their happiness does not affect anyone but h8rs who don't want other people to be happy while harming no one.

If someone's heterosexual marriage is somehow affected by a homosexual marriage, it wasn't much of a marriage to begin with.

Newt Gingrich is the last person on earth to talk about the sanctity of (heterosexual) marriage.

I'm an Army vet, and I served with gay soldiers, whose orientation did not affect me or compromise the mission. End DODT now.

Stop the h8.

Bob Belvedere said...

Adrienne, your commentary was dead, solid, perfect. You are so right: it is coming sooner rather than later.

Thank you for linking me and the mind words.

I'm preparing a post on the whole gay 'marriage' issue and I hope you won't mind if I quote you and the Nazareth Priest.