Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ken Mehlman Speaks Out - and I wish he hadn't...

Since the  story on Memeorandum that is getting all the attention is Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay ,  I suppose it is required of me to say something/anything.

Let's keep this short because I have a lot of outside work to do which is infinitely more important.  The real point of Mr. Mehlman's announcement is we have become a society that thinks discussing ones sex life is news.  And we all line up like little lemmings with this agenda of tacky and crude behavior.  While I'm not advocating a return to the repressive atmosphere of the Victorian Age, we would do to remember that we are children of God who have been made in His image.  This prurient interest in where other people are placing their sex organs is bizarre.

Bottom line? The homosexuals need to go back in the closet and the heterosexuals need to join them.   

We can thank Stacy McCain for writing an astute piece on the politics of this whole thing in ‘The Fools That Bring Disaster’

Amusing Bunni brings us the best day brightener post of the day, and we thank her:

Wild Animals on the Loose in Chicago!

 The following comment was left on the article  We've Made a Deal: America Picks Door Number 2
 at American Thinker (which is well worth a read)

Posted by: SilentNoMore  
Aug 26, 07:50 AM

Spot on. Even if our political landscape changes in November in the House, the Senate and the White House will be effectively untouched, at least for 2 year. This will likely lead to gridlock, and the economic and social tsunamis will roll on unimpeded, if not worsened. Where do we look? How do we deal with this? We must look to ourselves first, not to Washington. Prepare yourself, your family, and spread the message of individual liberty and responsibility as much as possible. Practice your faith in everything, and understand where true "Rights" come from and how we are to cherish them. Know your history, defend your beliefs with evidence and conviction, and rebuke those who stand opposed with logic, civility, and honor. In the end, as with any great crisis, there will be those crushed by the weight of catastrophe and those that stand firm and are left to rebuild. We must be the ones left standing. We must not assume the role of victim, but instead of diligent and benevolent victor.
 Well said, Silent No More...

At Adrienne dePitera:

Pizza on the grill and homemade tomato/pesto sauce
From the Cutting Garden
Moving Daylilies


Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Adrienne, This is a great post, I love reading spot on quotes too!

I need to get in the yard and do some work now too, I thank you kindly for the link! I'm glad I could brighten your day!

You have a great one too!

Anonymous said...

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Reaganite Independent said...

It used to be "the love that dare not speak it's name"

Now you can't shut it up, LOL

Adrienne said...

Bunni - You always brighten my day...

Adrienne said...

RR - Isn't that the truth. Our society has become so base. I don't want to look at half naked bodies everywhere, see ads on TV for erectile dysfunction pills or feminine hygiene, and on and on.

ABNPOPPA said...


I agree ones sex life should be kept to ones self. I look a little farther into this and ask myself why now? After all these years, is it really pertinent? Not a Biblical scholar but I do have a hard time relating, "we are children of God who have been made in His image". I will leave that to the scholars. I will say this, I am not getting into the closet with anybody now that my Gretchen has gone to be with G-d,

Conservative Outrage

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

You know what?
And I say this as a priest.
Save it for the confessional.
And who gives a good "you know what" otherwise???
Get on with it and forgettaboutit!
This "I'm gay and proud of it" crappolla (as well as all of the other hetero monkey business that people think they have to broadcast) is just boring, boring, boring...
get on with life;
there's a lot to do, folks!
Concentrating on what goes on between your legs or between the sheets ain't something the public needs to know about (sorry for my crudity!)...get a life, bozos!