Thursday, August 5, 2010

Finally...Something to Talk About

This morning has been an exercise in patience and it has taken heaps of fortitude to plow through the news - all of which was depressing.  Very depressing!

While coming to the end of my Google Reader session, I happen upon my name on a blog.  A link!  How nice.  And from one of my favorite peeps, DaTechguy.  Of course this meant that I had to actually log on and say, thanks.

And that is when my day started to brighten.  DaTechguy has a brand new blog design and it is BEAUTIFUL!! 

If you're as depressed as I am, take a moment and go see what Peter has done with his blog.

Visit DaTechguy

As to the rest of the depressing news - non of which I can do one dang thing about?  It can go punt.  I'm going outside until it is time to engage in my favorite hobby later - going to the dentist. 

This blogging thing is getting kind of crazy and pointless...

Am I the only person that thinks that?


Old Bob said...

Hang in there, Adrienne. You never know when something you write will plant a seed in someone's soul. Remember God's ways are not the same as ours. Good luck, take care, God bless!

Adrienne said...

Thanks, Bob...

Adrienne said...

And special thanks to Sub...

pops1911 said...

I, among others read your blog every day - I'm too lazy to have my own (well I have several - never used them!) so I spend my time lurking & adding comments to everyone else's blogs. Sometime I can't really say what I want to because of moderation - I guess that's why you do your own! In any case, keep going -it gives me something to read (along with 442 others I follow!!!)

Adrienne said...

pops1911 - thanks for the kind words.

I have comment moderation on because I have a foul, evil troll who uses abominable language (way worse than mine around the dinner table - heh), who, every time I think he is gone, pops up again. Oooops - maybe I shouldn't use the word "pops".

Anyhoo - rather then subject my readers to his vile comments, I keep moderation on.

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Oh, don't be depressed...that's the Devil's playground, Auntie A!
It's bad; yeah...but you're a "light on the mountain" and as Pope Benedict has said several Easters, "Evil does not have the last word. God does."
I know, I get down, too, at times.
But you know what?
That's just a temptation.
Where there is life, there is hope. And there is lots of life and lots of hope.
Evil consumes itself; even if we have to suffer.
But God is Life and Life is Hope.
Always and everywhere!
You go, girl!!

Mark D. said...

Keep blogging away. It isn't pointless if you have a point!

Adrienne said...

Nazareth Priest - you are sooooooooo right (as usual) and I have taken steps to correct my terrible thinking. God does get to have the "last word" (and the first) and gosh - He is the Word. Hmmmmmmmm

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Adrienne. I know the news is SO depressing, every day, worse & worse.
I hope your dental visit isn't too painful. It seems no matter how much we write about things, they don't change. The best we can hope for is voting out the bums in November, and then see what happens.

But, don't stop writing everyone, even if it's to post silly stuff.
It's nice we have like-minded friends to comment & cheer us up.
God Bless.