Monday, July 12, 2010

Michelle Obama - Race-Baiter and All-Around Hateful Person w/ Updates

This woman is a despicable race-baiter.  She wonders why a black kid has a 70% better chance of going to prison than a white kid?  Is she really that stupid?  If she really cared about black people she would tell the black women to quit having illegitimate children.  She'd tell  the black men to start acting like men.  She'd tell the black kids to stay in school.  She'd tell the black boys to pull up their pants and quit listening to gangsta rap, and the black girls to quit being welfare whores.  That's what she'd do if she really cared. 

Like her husband, all she cares about is dividing this nation and fomenting a race war.

H/T Dan Riehl and Breitbart TV

From Riehl World View:
 Michelle Obama Pimps Racial Politics, As NAACP Considers Tea Party Resolution


A great post from the republican Mother:    Demoralization of Everyday Life - Race
another from And So It Goes In Shreveport: Shocker:  NAACP Condemns Tea Party as Racist

Update 2:

Michelle Obama's Mirror's Blog:   Lady M Wanders the Food Desert

and would someone tell me what that ugly rag is that Mrs. O is wearing.  Please...


Old Bob said...

Bill Cosby said that years ago, but I guess nobody listened. I see a few little signs that some of the young white kids up my way are thinking it's cool to talk or act black.

Adrienne said...

Old Bill has been pretty quiet lately. I've heard him on numerous occasions say the same things and he was demonized by the blacks for saying it...

X said...

So, Adrienne...tell us what you REALLy think of MO?! LOL!

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

This kills me. When her husband was Senator of Illinois, his district was the same one where Rezko was king slumlord. Instead of going after Rezko while he left his BLACK tenants live in dilapidated buildings without heat all winter, he and Michelle went out to dinner with him, accepted huge donations for his campaign, and attended a campaign fundraiser in Rezko's home. While they were living large, eating like royalty, their own constituents were left in the cold...literally.

So, when Michelle talks about the plight of the poor black man, I have to say that she should just shut the hell up and look in the mirror at the very person who kept the black man down. What a freakin' hypocrite she is!

Adrienne said...

Angela - what I really think is unprintable.

Adrienne said...

Mary Ellen - They doing the same thing now except it's on our dime.

Don't forget Valarie Jarrett and all her little projects plus Michelle busing all those sick (mostly black) patients to other hospitals. She and all her pals like her pastor, Jesse Jackson and ilk, make a living off of keeping the blacks suppressed.

Lynn said...

Aaaack, that woman is soooooo phony!! Her children go to private elitist schools, travel the world on the taxpayer dime, eat in very posh restaurants, wear very expensive clothing, and live in the nicest House on the block in Washington and Chicago. They stay in 5 star hotels and vacation in multimillion dollar mansions. Who the hell is she kidding? If she was so damned concerned why didn't she speak up for the black children who lost their school vouchers in DC? Hypocritical bitch that she is....

Lynn said...

I doubt my comment will be approved, but someone had to say it.

Adrienne said...

Lynn - not approve? Silly you...

Sometimes you just must call a spade a spade, doncha know?!

MOTUS said...

Butt Adrienne, if black boys pulled up their pants and quit listening to gangsta rap, wouldn’t that risk spoiling their chances of getting into a good prison?

Adrienne said...

MOTUS - Silly me (while slapping hand to forehead)

Terry Nelson said...

I read this stuff on Drudge and rushed to see if you had anything to say about it. I sse you did. I agree with you - thanks for posting. After the election I can't remember who from the UK predicted an Obama presidency would lead to race wars - and the instigators would be the White House. And here we have Michelle shooting off her mouth.

Good post - thanks for laying it on the line.

Adrienne said...

Terry - the Obamas and their puppet masters are pushing for just such a thing so they can declare martial law and shut everything down.

The problem is the whites (IMO) won't participate. All they've managed to do is make themselves look like the fools they are.

Roz said...

you are RIGHT ON, Adrienne! Keep it up the great work and posts! Roz

MightyMom said...

it LOOKS like an overgrown dishtowel...with a boob belt.

near as I can tell....I can't stand to watch long enough to see if they ever zoom in any....