Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some Important Links

It's about time someone got it right.  Nice Deb has set the record straight with  The Gulf Oil Spill Is Not “Obama’s Katrina” and we thank her!

Reaganite Republican has an important post  Obama to Save MSM by Taxing Your Laptop and Broadband! 

 Red over at Caught Him With a Corndog has more to say on the subject in Obama to Establish Save The Ministry of Truth the MSM on Your Dime

Bob Belvedere over at The Camp of the Saints has earned some sort of a really good rant award, or something for  The Pablum Puke Of The Day…   It made my day and I thank him...

Your's truly at Potluck: Can You Afford That House Payment?


Bob Belvedere said...

You're welcome. It's always a good day for me when I can make a lady's day.

Reaganite Independent said...

Have a great day, Ade!

RightKlik said...

Haven't seen you much lately. Welcome back!

Bob Belvedere said...

Linked to at:
The Pablum Puke Of The Day

Adrienne said...

Bob - Your post was a classic!

Adrienne said...

RR - Thanks - you, too!

Adrienne said...

RK - When the news heats up my ADD kicks into high gear and I become almost paralyzed. It's like really, really bad writers block and it's caused from sensory overload. I've had to limit reading some folks that throw up 40, 50, or more posts per day.