Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I hope Ed Morrisey is right, but I doubt it...

While I certainly hope Ed Morrissey of Hot Air is right when he writes,  Cap-and-trade dead again?, I fear he is being way too optimistic.   This administration, including both the puppets and the puppet-masters,  have taken corruption and vile behavior to level we could have never imagined. 

I heard just a few snippets of Glenn Beck yesterday, but enough to get the general drift.  One of the commenters on  American Thinker summed it up nicely, and I thank him.
Soros invests in Petrobas and becomes largest shareholder.
Obama sends 2 Billion dollars (of OUR money) to Brazil's Petrobas for offshore drilling, not exploration, drilling!. (Why?)
There is a shortage of rigs and none available for the drilling of this new found reserve.
BP rig blows up (we still don't know the EXACT cause BTW).
Obama dithers and dithers.
Obama announces moratorium on 40+ rigs in Gulf of Mexico.
Two rigs now headed to Africa, more to S. America. 
Who do you bet is part of the "shareholders" with Soros?
It would be nice if someone actually practiced journalism in this country.
I will be contacting my Senators today to ask "why".
My Congressman is useless. source
  I'm just glad I have lots and lots of firewood.

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