Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good Grief. Attack of the Bubbles...

I finally clicked on that cute little message from Blogger touting their new templates.  Next thing I knew I had bubbles all over my page.  Eeeek!   I have no idea of how to find my old template.  Tomorrow if I have time I'll fool with the bubbles.  Who knows - I may grow to like it...

My summer duties have kept me hopping.  An important law of nature:  when you plant 100 or so lilacs, eventually they will have to be pruned.   It took several days for me (with the help of hubby and an electric hedge clipper) to tame those bushes.  Planting (tomatoes, beets, onions, eggplant, peppers, radishes, lettuce, spinach, kale, Romano beans, plus all the cutting garden flowers)  took about a week.  Add on working on the new pond, staining the arbor, painting fences, spraying trees, weeding (always weeding), and it's a wonder I haven't dropped in my tracks.

 What I haven't been doing is talking on the phone or mowing my lawn.  The phone was out for 4 days (it was so peaceful), and my lawn tractor has been in the hospital.  Hopefully tomorrow I can get back on track with posting. 

Some linky love for my friends:

 Doug over at the  The Daley Gator just inducted Bob Belvedere from Camp of the Saints into his Politically Incorrect Hall of Fame.  Congrats to Bob!

The Other McCain:  How Freedom Died

The Daily Nigger:  The Plantation Nation  Excellent!

Cold Fury:  Something to consider…

And So It Goes In Shreveport:   First Thoughts on Speech

Pundette:  Obama speech: Tingles and Spittles hated it

Reaganite Republican:   Obama Back on the Wacky-Tabacky?

And my favorite?

  From Real Clear Politics:

MSNBC Trashes Obama's Address: Compared To Carter, "I Don't Sense Executive Command"  H/T Memeorandum

Update:  The bubbles have been dispersed...


Old Bob said...

The Bubbles is one more example of why I think "If it ain't broke don't fix it" is a good motto most of the time. Cheers, good luck, God bless!

Reaganite Independent said...

It looks good, Adrienne- no bubbles here!

Anonymous said...

The bubbles are gone, but so is your full post on the readers. Boohoo. :) I love you anyway.

Bob Belvedere said...

Thank you. I wear it as a Badge Of Honor.

Mark D. said...

I am very happy with the new fonts and formats. I changed mine a few days ago. Great links too, btw, although I notice that links to a certain Spokane blog have somehow been omitted...

Kay said...

Interesting about the bubbles. It would have been nice if Google had told us about the change. I think I can handle the new layout/fonts/colors but I was definitely having a panic attack on Friday morning. I was afraid to do anything. And I did not think that hiding the old templates under "Edit HTML" was a particularly user-friendly move.

I think it takes old dogs longer to learn these new tricks.