Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BREAKING: McChrystal Resigns? Judge to Obama - you lie!

Since I'm headed to Costco, be sure and bookmark the Reaganite Republican for updates on the McChrystal drama.

 Also at The BlogProf:



Fuzzy Slippers said...

They didn't lie, they added paragraphs to a signed report. That's forgery and fraud. At the very least!

Reaganite Independent said...

Thanks Adrienne, nice piece.

There's plenty more of this case to come I think...

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited the judge lifted the ban. Seriously, things were looking pretty bad around here with workers being shifted to AK or overseas. We depend much too much on the offshore drilling industry in my area. The pols talk a big talk about how we've "diversified" our industries, but everyone I know would have been impacted by the moratorium.

Anonymous said...

bongo did the drilling ban on behalf of his master,george sorros.bongo gave money to brazil for off shore drilling at the same time sorros bought about $800,000 in brazil oil.you don't think that hopey changey did this to destroy oil business in this country and give it to an enemy do you?

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

Bad day for Obama...he should be heading to the golf course for another day to calm his nerves. Or, is his family due for another week long vacation on behalf of the American taxpayers?