Listen to Fuzzy Logic, whose logic really isn't fuzzy, as she asks the questions about Obama's most recent stirring up of racial unrest:
"And perhaps most importantly, what is his real goal in stirring up racial and social unrest? Surely it's not just for votes as so many are arguing. That may play a part in it, but it can't be the whole reason. What is he up to? Why does he want the people of the country he leads at each others' throats, on the brink of violence? What does he stand to gain? These are the questions I keep turning over in my head, but I don't have an answer yet."Matthew Vadum is asking why we're bailing out socialist Greece.
Why is the United States involved in a futile scheme to bail out the basket case economy of Greece, which despite its membership in the European Union, is a borderline third world socialist country?Even Ed Morrisey over at Hot Air asks:
Could the instability in the EU with the failure of Greece spread to the US?and offers an answer from Paul Ryan.
Here, let’s simply discuss the ostensibly equitable posture that tax increases and spending restraint should occupy similar places on the negotiating table. At first glance, this would seem to establish a reasonable symmetry between negotiating positions.
But that picture would be very wrong. The merest glance at the numbers reveals a very different reality. First, let’s look at the long-term budget picture under current law as seen by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
And now Fannie Mae seeks $8.4 billion from govt after loss and the Wall Street slot machine handle is working overtime as Stocks surge on effort to ease Europe debt crunch.A quick glance at this graph reveals that the long-term problem is not one of inadequate revenues. If we don’t change the law so as to reduce tax growth, Americans will be taxed as they have never been taxed before. see the Paul Ryan video at Right Scoop
Over the next week or two, I'll explore my reasons for believing that our country as we know it, is going to crash. It is inevitable. The sooner we get there the sooner we can commence rebuilding. There will be a "new world order", but not the one the puppet masters have in mind.
There will be massive change. To think that the elections later this year and in 2012 will change anything is to require willful suspension of disbelief. The inevitable is this: It matters not who is in office except to determine the forward speed of our demise. Am I being pessimistic? Not at all. I'm being realistic. Step back from the chattering and constant distractions and start looking at the big picture. Start asking your own questions.
Your Major Distraction for the Day
is not the illegal immigrants, Elena Kagan, Obama playing golf while oil is seeping onto our shores, kids wearing flag T-shirts, or crazy Muslims with bombs. No siree Bob. This distracition is the only one that counts.The Annual Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards
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I am nominated in the category of best political blog. Pitted against such heavy weights as Creative Minority Report and The Anchoress has put me in the position of buying votes. Yes - you heard that right. It works for our present day politicians and should work just dandy for moi.
Here's the deal. For every vote you cast for me, which you can and should do every day for the entire week, you will receive a link and feature article on this blog. The cash value of this voucher is < .01 and the prestige value is bupkis. How the heck can you pass up a deal like that? It's better than anything the government is offering.
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I also have friends in important places nominated in multiple categories. LarryD (Acts of the Apostasy) is nominated in five categories.
Larry has not reached the stage of vote buying yet, but he is promising to donate all prize money to charity, or something.
From Larry:
So while you're over there voting for me (every day!!!), take a moment and click on the little ball next to Acts of the Apostasy.Just to remind you - AoftheA has been nominated in 4 categories (well, it's actually 5, but I've agreed to not tell anyone that I've also been nominated in Best Underappreciated Blog, so I won't say anything about that) - Most Hifreakinlarious, Snarkiest, Most Church Militant, and Most Bat Sh!t Crazy.
Currently, AoftheA is 2nd in Hifreakinlarious; 3rd in Snarkiest; 4th in Church Militant; and 3rd in Most Bat Sh!t Crazy. And in the category I've promised to never ever mention, I'm currently 3rd. With your help, I can surge past my opponents and not look like such a failure.
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