Thursday, March 4, 2010

What real hope looks like

Reaganite Republican has been hard at work compiling information that we all need for the journey ahead and I thank him.

Passing ObamaCare the Chicago Way WILL NOT Stand
As is sadly typical these days, the British press yet again provides a far more balanced perspective on Dear Leader's sputtering agenda, habitual dishonesty, and racketeering ways than the hard-wired MSM drones on this side of the pond... highlights mine, this in today's Time's Online.  read the rest at Reaganite Republican


Abbey's Road said...

....and I pray that this WILL BE a one-term administration, and that we, Americans, will not suffer too terribly while this regime holds office. I have never felt more insecure about my country's fate than I do today.

Reaganite Republican said...

Thanks for the recognition Adrienne, you are linked today at the Reaganite Republican.

Also, you are my "Featured Blog" all this week.. enjoy your weekend-