Wednesday, February 17, 2010

HR 4530 Chilling!

Wander on over to Gateway Pundit and see what it says about HR4530.  There has never been a doubt in my mind that the homosexual agenda has never been about the masses "tolerating" what they do in the bedroom (or bathhouse,) but instead is about us applauding and approving the life-style they have chosen.

I've always wondered why we have a group of people who choose identify themselves, and want others to identify them, by the manner in which they have sex.  Think about this; do you identify yourself as someone who only has sex with your wife or husband?  Or do you publicly identify yourself as someone who spends an inordinate amount of time indulging in self-gratification? Do you expect special treatment if you have chosen to live a chaste life?  Of course not. 

We have become so used to the rantings of this very small portion of the populace, that we no longer even notice how weird it is anymore.  Of course, this is all part of the plan.  Homosexuals, and all the other "sexuals," keep cranking up the volume of their rhetoric.  And they will not stop until the populace says, "enough!"

Your children are already being brain-washed in the schools.  HR 4530 is throwing more fuel on this fire of indoctrination.  This will continue until the government's hold on the education of our children is broken.  While vouchers are a good start, the real solution is the privatization of the schools.  We need to quit allowing the government to extort money from the masses to run failing schools.

1 comment:

Homestay Mama said...

So well written, Adrienne! I can't say a big enough AMEN to this post! Now I'm heading on over to Gateway Pundit.