Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Moving On

Even though I am mourning the loss of Elle (my heart is shattered), it doesn't change the need for action.  This morning I volunteered to man the phone lines for Scott Brown and also made a donation.  Do I think he can win the senate seat in Massachusetts?  I have no idea. I do know this, as I said to my buddy DaTechGuy, if I do nothing I lose my b*tching rights, and nice little Italian ladies loooooove to b*tch!
RightKlik has the Hannity/Brown interview posted as well as some fine links.  I don't plan on spending time trying to "scoop" other bloggers.  A much wiser use of time is to send you where you need to go.
You do not have to live in Massachusetts to volunteer.  You do, however, need to live in Massachusetts to be able to spell Massachusetts. Thank goodness for spell check!!

From Red State: 
Let's Not Get Cocky

There's A Lot Of Work To Do ... And We've Still Only Got 10 Months To Do It.

But that said, let’s not let that go to our heads and make us complacent.
There’s a lot of hard work to be done - NOTE: from now until 01/19, every day is Scott Brown day: donate and volunteer - and we need to realize that there are still ten whole months left before November 2. A lot of things can change in that time … and we should be prepared for any contingency so we’re not ruled by events instead of the other way round.
There’s still money to be raised, volunteers to be recruited, neighbors and co-workers to be won over, precincts to organize and ultimately campaigns to be won. We should not make the mistake of thinking the ND seat as good as won because Dorgan quit, or the CT seat as good as out of reach (as many are suggesting) because we no longer have Chris Dodd to run against.
 From BigGovernment:

Massachusetts Voters Could Make History on January 19 

by Dana Loesch

What level of poetic justice would it be for Republican Scott Brown to win Teddy Kennedy’s senate seat and become the 41st vote to stop fauxcare? Bay Staters are being presented with the opportunity on January 19th in a special election to decide the new occupant of a senate seat that has for so long been essentially held by one political family. read the rest

Left Coast Rebel:  Attention Activists - Call From Home Program


Packrat said...

Adrienne, I am so sorry about Elle. Bless her. Hugs. Sue

Mary Ellen said...

Good for you, man those phones! I've been getting a million calls in my town for the upcoming election and they are all from Republican campaigns. Considering I've only voted for a Republican once in my the last Presidential election, that means that either the Dems feel they have Illinois locked up tight...or they got the hint when they called asking for donations for Obama and I told them in (not so very nice words) where to shove it.

This year...Republican all the way. I'm sure my poor sweet dad is turning in his grave. I hope he doesn't smack me up side the head when we meet up again. :-(

Anonymous said...

This is gonna be a true test of the depth of American disenfranchisement.

RightKlik said...

Thanks for the plug. I hope you feel better soon.

Ebeth said...

...and with the Damn Dems dropping like flies the last few days....maybe we can have a clean sweep!

blessings on your's a good one!


Tracy said...

(((HUGS))) to you sweet Adrienne!!

Dawn said...

Adrienne, just read about Elle. Sorry to hear that. THe pictures you posted look so much like my T-bone. prayers for you!

Reaganite Republican said...

Glad to hear it Ade, go get 'em

And if the good people of Massachusetts elect Brown, I will book at least a week vacation there- I'm serious. I tip well, and I might not be the only one-

Say, isn't your football team called Patriots... as were your forefathers?

Do the right thing- just have a serious look at these two candidates, and you tell me who deserves a crack at the job...

Mary Rose said...

My condolences to you on the loss of Elle. However, you're quite the tiger for soldiering on. Yep. Let's roll!