Monday, January 11, 2010

Let's Not Waste Time

I find it inconceivable that an entire nation is wasting its collective time, energy, and angst on what  Harry Reid said behind closed doors.  I am way more interested in what this man is doing behind closed doors to take away our last shred of freedom.

If Harry Reid wishes to sit outside naked in freezing weather and howl at the moon it is of no concern to me. His putting the last nail into the coffin marked freedom concerns me greatly.  Taking over my health care at the point of a sword,  taxing me against my will and desire to fund the lifestyles of the lazy and ignorant, and paying off bribing special interests with my money, is a much larger concern.

Is there a double standard at work in this country? You bet there is - and it flows both ways.  The hours of productive work, including engaging our brain, is being wasted debating something that means nothing to our lives.

Instead of spending time tilting at windmills, it may make more sense to learn how to build a windmill. You may need to someday.

A Catholic Mom in Minnesota brings up a reasonable but easily answerable question when she asks, Why One and Not the Other?  Read it and form your own answer.

Still think things are "fair?"

"Looks like the Amish have found their “Get Out of Jail Free” card when it comes to the new Obamacare insurance mandate. I have to wonder, though…if this is the case, why can’t Christians get out of the mandate if the government insist that our tax dollars pay for abortions? That goes against our “religious conscience”, so wouldn’t that give us the exemption we need?" read the rest
One thing I might point out is that the Amish generally pay their way or take care of themselves.  But it is still valid to ask the question of why those opposed to abortion should be forced to fund the procedure.

The bigger question though,  is why are we funding anything for anyone? 

Congrats in Order

Matthew and Patrick Archbold, of Creative Minority Report, will be contributors at the new National Catholic Register website.  It couldn't happen to two more talented, funny, and genuinely good guys!

 Our household also offers prayers and condolences on the loss of their brother, Kevin. 

Scott Brown

Meantime Reaganite Republican (speaking of genuinely nice guys!) reminds us to support Scott Brown for senator in Massachusetts. 
Massachusetts conservative site Red-Invades-Blue is launching a Money Bomb today for the brave Republican challenger for Ted Kennedy's open Senate seat, Scott Brown.   read the rest and than donate

William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection is covering his election pretty carefully:
Scott Brown's Money Bomb is today. The special election is a week from tomorrow.

"If you've read this blog, you know that there is a chance of victory for Brown if he keeps surging. But he needs money to do that. A Scott Brown victory may be the last chance to stop the people in the photo below from doing to our health care system what they did to the banking system and housing market." read the rest and than send a donation
Now this is interesting:  Palin Signs on with Fox News

Big Journalism sums it up beautifully:

Sarah Palin Signs With Fox News, Liberals’ Heads Explode read it all - it's great!

Off to get some real work done...


Mary Ellen said...

Thanks for the link love to my Amish post.

Regarding Sarah Palin going to certainly will make heads explode and there's no doubt that Keith Olbermann and the rest of the clowns at MSNBC will be hanging on her every word so they can distort it and add their inane commentary about her on their show.

To be honest, I don't know if this will hurt her or help her. It doesn't matter if what she says makes perfect sense, it will be spun by the liberal media and we all know that spin is what the voters listen to, not the truth.

MightyMom said...

interesting move for Palin.....I wonder WHAT she's up to.....

Dawn said...

IRT Harry Reid..this administration does more wagging the dog than any other I've lived through. This type of stuff appeals to the "tabloid" lovers..the "celebritzed". Unfortunately, there are many of them here in America. It's just distraction from the main idea and it works beautifully for a large majority of people.