Thursday, January 7, 2010

From the Green Room of Hot Air:

37 vulnerable House Dems we need to target on health care

Hop on over and check out the list provided with phone numbers, addresses, faxes, and emails.  It also identifies area's of vulnerability for each senator. If you see your senator on the list - you know what to do...

Also at the Green Room is an outstanding article by Directorblue (Doug Ross) "The Path to Slavery"
"Modern liberal Democrats like to talk about “choice”. But when it comes to school choice — allowing inner-city children to escape the enslavement of teachers’ unions — Democrats shriek in opposition  "read the rest
 Which bring me to what New Hampshire is up to (rat scum bags!!!)

New Hampshire Poised for Landmark Homeschool Vote

Proposed law would make New Hampshire's homeschool law the most restrictive and burdensome in the nation
 CONCORD, New Hampshire, January 7, 2010  - The New Hampshire House of Representatives is scheduled to consider next week an amendment to House Bill 368, which critics say would make New Hampshire’s homeschool law the most restrictive and burdensome in the nation. read the rest
I get really riled when they go after the home-schoolers.  It has been proven over and over that home schooled kids do better academically than the kids in government run schools.  I have also never met a home schooled kid that wasn't socially head and shoulders above a public school kid.   The government has no business indoctrinating "educating" our children. 

And then they do stupid things like this:  New York Couple Arrested for Failure to Register Homeschoolers


Dawn said...

Homeschooling families need to be on their guard always. You don't hear about it much in the msm, but they are after us big time.

Packrat said...

This kind of news makes me so mad I can't read it - at least this early in the morning. I am adamant about being able to home school. We got some crap about it, but after a while the local administration left us alone.

I will say that even though it irritated me the "h*llo" at the time, testing (with the public or parochial school children) once in a while (every two years???) isn't necessarily a bad thing. For a few reasons: It gives the child the experience of taking exams in a strange environment (so when the time comes taking the SAT won't be so terrifying), gives the parent and child an idea of where he/she stands with his/her peers, and where there are some weaknesses that need to be addressed.

I'll get off my soap box.

Anonymous said...

It's so frustrating, watching as each and every liberty we enjoy as AMERICANS slip away.