Monday, November 2, 2009

Perez Hilton Informal Poll

Obama - Sent from God??

Perez Hilton, the infamous queen who attacked Carrie Prejean, is siding with Sting's assesment of Obama as "one sent from God."

Sting also said, referring to this article on Breitbart, that Perez quoted from:
But Sting is serious in his belief that Obama is the best leader to navigate the world's problems. In an interview on Wednesday, the former Police frontman said that he spent some time with Obama and "found him to be very genuine, very present, clearly super-smart, and exactly what we need in the world."
"I can't think of any be better qualified because of his background, his education, particularly in regard to Islam," he said.  from Breitbart

 I jumped to the comments on Perez which numbered 161 as of this morning.  Quite to my surprise, the number of Obama supporters was about five.  If this represents the "younger" voices in America, it gives me hope.  

Here's a sampling of some of the comments (cleaned up a bit).  I might also note, just as on Democratic Underground, the nastiest and most insulting language was used by  Obama supporters. 

Yeah, wait til Obama's hand outs need to be paid for. We are going to be faced with the biggest tax increase and then we will see if he thinks he is God. Obama makes me sick he is tearing apart this country bit by bit and he and that nasty "I hate America" wife need to quit frolicking around on date nights and stay their asses home. 

Oh yeah - Sting is the one to listen to - NOT!! Entertainers should keep their mouths shut about how our country is run- especially when they aren't even citizens. Change is a comin' - liberalism is on its way OUT!!!  
You can always tell the people who are moochers and live off handouts and don't pay taxes. LOSERS like Obama!

Obama is the anti-christ
he is not sent by God - he is sent by the devil.

I just want to scream when I hear the liberal elites talking. You preach about helping your fellow man, but you would never live in my house, my neighborhood, or send your children to my school. You sit in your mansions, go to your parties, collect your awards, dine in the finest places, travel, vacation, and then you turn around and tell me where I should put my hard earned dollars. Leave me alone. I'm too knee deep in reality to buy your ridiculous statements about make believe gods who want MY money to rule the world. 

Hey Sting, does obama give you a tingly feeling up your leg too? obama is the worst. He's a marxist seeking to destroy our USA. Bummer, I used to like sting. 

Obama is a fu**ing jackass. People are quickly starting to see the house of cards crumbling. He is the equivalent of a janitor falling into a CEO position.


And who gives a fu** what Sting says, Obama is a Communist ruining this country, worse President EVER, hope this country wakes up before it's too late 

 Obama and his Maoist czars are trying to turn the USA into a third-world banana republic. 

Conservatives are not scared of change. They don't want to see our Constitutional rights taken away (censorship of any press is wrong!) and our deficit increased further by a man with an agenda of "change" and who is lying about health care not furthering our debt. He can't decide what to do about the war so soldiers are still in harm's way. His press conferences and town hall meetings are staged. Wake up! Obama is a smart and charismatic man but he's naive and in way over his head. Change for the sake of change is a bad road to take. Time to stop talking and whining and start DOING before it's too late!  

Yeah, it's easy for white liberals, such as Sting, to show such "love" for Obama. Then they can stand up and say, "I have a black friend. He's in the White House." from behind the gates of their mansions. I wonder how many of celebrities and everyday, ordinary liberals realize the party of Obama is the reason slavery and segregation lasted so long. And why are most of are major cities falling into social and economic ruin? They're run by Democrats. 
You friggin liberals do not even realize how much conservatives of all sorts have done for this nation. We're NOT about keeping things the same. We're about conserving values that keep our nation strong and about furthering the advancement of citizens as a whole by showing them how they can help themselves. But a majority of liberals and all liberal musicians and celebrities are so out-of-touch of what's what concerning politics. 
The future of America is conservative regardless of how much liberals like to hinder true progress for the faux progress they push…progress that only aids the government. Liberal progress is like a backhoe pushing dirt. It only lasts until fuel runs out.
Conservative progress is as natural as the oceans' waves. It's not something that'll be refused.

 And finally - the money quote:

Adrienne dePitera:  Trailing Fuschias, Spokane, Steve Martin, and my favorite store...  


Sarah - Kala said...

#5 pretty much summed it up for me. Obama wouldn't stoop, nor would Sting (not now that they have the taste of money and elitist life). The money quote made me choke on my coffee! ;)

Adrienne said...

Sarah - I knew you'd like that one...I thought about a few asterisks but decided shithouse was ok

Sarah - Kala said...

I think asterisks are risky. ;)

Anonymous said...

Uh, #5 for President?! Seriously, have any of these people sent their children to a public school? lived in a regular neighborhood? It's very easy to tell others how they should live and how they should spend their money when they are removed from the equation (an a non-American citizen at that.....)! Sting is probably THE last person who should have an opinion.