Saturday, November 21, 2009

Going Rogue

"And I do know there is a God.  My life is in His Hands.  I encourage readers to do what I did many years ago, invite Him in to take over...then see what He will do and how He will get you through.  Test Him on this. You'll see there's no such thing as a coincidence.  I'm thankful for His majestic creation called Alaska, which has give me my home, and for His touch on America, which has given us all so many opportunities.  By His grace, an American life in an extraordinary life."   Sarah Palin "Going Rogue",  closing paragraph


Mark D. said...

Well, I just got the book at Costco and I am looking forward to reading it this weekend. I've finished the first chapter and find it a fascinating read.

Packrat said...

I hope there are some of these left by the time I get to town.

Homestay Mama said...

Hmmm, I like her closing paragraph. Guess I'll scoot on over to Costco to buy the book!