Sunday, October 4, 2009

Obama is a Wuss

How does Obama stack up against some real men?? Check this out at Diary of a Right Wing Peace Loving Pussycat....Hilarious!


RightKlik said...

Clearly Obama is the Steve Urkel of international leaders.

Adrienne said...

RK - Aren't those pictures funny? Obama looks like Mary Poppins or the kid in ET...and he's wearing his mom jeans arrrgh!

Larry Denninger said...

Those pictures say a lot.

Rush today was commenting on an American Thinker piece that tags Obama as a Beta Male - the guy's analysis is scary spot on.

Glad to see you're up and at 'em again! The Grand Duchess of Idaho is seated atop her throne (and no, I don't mean the porcelain one!)