Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A "Not to Miss" Report from the BlogProf:

Change! Planned Parenthood recruiting abortion volunteers through Obama's Serve.gov
Makes you wonder 1) were there Nazi death camp "volunteers," and 2) Obama's definition of "service" is far different than most. When did "service" including helping to butcher innocent children anyway? read the rest

My personal opinion?  Great move, Sarah! And also a great move for New Age aficionado, Oprah.  Why keep preaching to the choir?  The rest of us extremist, right-wing, terrorist, bitter clingers would do well to follow Sarah's example.

Update:  Here's another thought. Oprah always gives her audience a copy of a book her guest has just written.  Now we know it's not Oprah giving the book away, but the publisher.  So, for instance, what if Sarah shows up with a gazillion cases of books to give the audience. Oprah would be forced to hand out the books because if she didn't it would be front page news the next day.  Just imagine Oprah, the Obama lady  person-in-waiting, having to hand out Sarah's book.  Makes the heart sing, doesn't it??



Sarah - Kala said...

Well, I'm not feeling particularly bad about this.

Go, Sarah!!!!

Mary Ellen said...

Sarah Palin will chew Oprah up and spit her out! Go Sarah!

I hope she gives Oprah and autographed copy for her and another one autographed for her to give to Barack the next time they go jetting off to some rally somewhere.

Regarding the service thing...that's just sick and wrong. That is what he calls service to our country and the patriotic thing to do? I hope the Catholic Church makes a very big thing about this!

MightyMom said...

oh now that's a show I'll have to go visit someone with a TV to watch!! anyone have the air date??