Monday, October 12, 2009

Glenn Beck Crazy??

Do not tell me this man is a whack job, over emotional, a fear monger, or just plain crazy.  The only reason Glenn Beck is derided by the left and many on the right is because he dares to speak the truth. And to do this from a point of faith is the ultimate transgression in today's world.

One of the issues Glenn addresses in this video is the problem of illegal immigrants. On one of his shows last week, he was talking about the infiltration of our churches by the concept of social justice.  Oh boy, you hear that lots in Catholic circles. Glenn made it clear it wasn't just a "Catholic" issue, but one that was infecting all the churches.

Trust me on this; the term "social justice" is code for socialism. Pure and simple.  Let's take a quick look at the Diocese of Idaho.  Idaho's illegal population is growing by leaps and bounds.  And what does the diocese think is a good way to help these folks? First they turn their back on the truth of the situation.  They refuse to acknowledge the fact that illegals have broken the law just by being here.  Is the law fair? That's not the issue. Until the immigration laws are changed, these people are law breakers. 

Second, instead of providing a way for these people, either legal or illegal, to enter into full economic participation in society, they support and promote a system that relegates such people to a form of slavery.  Instead of helping them assimilate into society via classes to teach them English, without which an immigrant cannot get a better job, they provide them with whole sections of the diocesan newspaper printed in Spanish.  Don't like the Mass in English? Not to worry. We'll move heaven and earth to provide a Spanish Mass for you.  We will ghettoize you and separate you from the very things that could better your life.

What about the early immigrants, who upon coming to this country, started their own churches in their mother tongue?  The key here is these people worked hard to build their own churches. They were not provided a church - they earned a church and a community.  However, they raised their children to be Americans, and were proud and grateful to be a part of this country.  They retained their ethnicity while still working to become members of this great new country that welcomed them.

Several years ago, our bishop, Michael Driscoll, sent a letter out for a fund raiser of sorts, to make a plea for money, because "after all, these are the people who picked our lettuce and cleaned our homes."  The implication was clear, and my shock was profound that a bishop of the church would make such an insensitive statement.

It's time the church showed real compassion for these people. They could start by informing them that breaking the law, whether you like it or not, is a sin. And those who are here legally should be receiving classes in English and encouraged to become a part of this great country. How about fund raisers for job training or school? Or citizenship classes? What a concept!!

Glenn Beck Video:  Why Obama took control of the Census and what it means for you


X said...


Mark in Spokane said...

FA Hayek has a great critique of the concept of social justice. He basically shows that the term is just a cypher for left-wing statism.

The idea of justice between people is a key part of Catholic social teaching -- but the idea of "social justice" is a development from the 1960's -- part and parcel of the moral rot that created liberation theology and the various kinds of left-wing distortions in Catholic theology since.

The sad thing is that our bishops are, for the most part, are taken in by the hooey of social justice activism. And that is nowhere more on display than when the bishops talk about illegal immigration.

Anonymous said...

Very good post! You should read what Mark Shea says about him. You'd think he was the second coming of Satan himself.

Question, though. Doesn't Pope Benedict talk about social justice in his last encyclical? I can't remember. I know Glenn wasn't happy about that, though I think he's only mentioned it once.

Adrienne said...

Rhonda - part of the problem with the Holy Father's last encyclical was the misinterpretation of what he actually said. IMHO, they need to quit using language in the encyclicals that can be so easily twisted.

Mark says it quite well in his comment. Many in the church (can you Jesuit?) have perverted the true meaning of justice between people into something that is Marxist or even outright communistic.

Maybe we can talk Mark into doing a post on the subject. HINT, HINT!!!!

Dad29 said...

The Bishops' most significant error is attempting to ignore or contravene the Law of Subsidiarity by nationalizing local problems.

The next most significant error is confusing mercy and justice.

But confusion is not new with Bishops......road to Hell, and all that.

Larry Denninger said...

The problem lies in the fact that the proper order of the virtues have been switched. The first virtue is prudence - right reason, wisdom - and then follows justice, temperance and fortitude. Without prudence, we will be unable to correctly discern what is truly just, we will be unable to correctly discern what is worth displaying courage for, and we will be unable to correctly temper our appetites.

Today, the primary virtue is justice - or, Social Justice - but without prudence informing justice, you end up with injustice. It's backwards and upsidedown. Satan is very pleased.

Fr. Erik Richtsteig said...

Glenn Beck is crazy--in his religious views. (Switching from Catholic to Mormon; obviously the alcohol did some brain damage.) But politically, he is right on the money.

Adrienne said...

Dad 29 - well said and so true!

Adrienne said...

Larry - prudence is completely overlooked now.

Take the issue of "racial profiling". In my world we call that prudence. If you see a couple of drunk white guys with a gun rack driving around a black neighborhood, prudence dictates there may be a problem. Notice I reversed what everyone perceives is the way it always happens.

Adrienne said...

Father R - I try to overlook that little failing and I have high hopes he will return someday to the fold.

We have a priest in our diocese that was raised Mormon. He has written several books on Mormonism and gives talks. He came to our church once and actually told us Mormons were Christians. The entire room just sort of looked around at each other in wonder.

Oh yeah, did I mention he also thinks Israel is a "mean little country" and his most recent article in our diocesan rag was making fun of the TLM and the people that attend?

He used to teach at the University, spreading his Marxism and nuttiness.

Subvet said...

The whole "social justice" theme was big in the Methodist Church when my wife attended and that was always a thorn in her side. Funny thing, they came down foursquare for "reproductive rights" too. That was what made the War Department do the Bug-Out Boogie and cross the Tiber.

These days she's as happy as a clam. Found everything she was looking for, people that gave a rats ass about her welfare, ministries that take care of special needs kids, even Protestant hymns!

So who says lack of Gregorian Chant is always a bad thing?

Fr. Erik Richtsteig said...

I know the priest of whom you speak. His books are useless.