Friday, October 9, 2009

Today's News

I'm Speechless!!

To hell with this. I'm going to Costco!


Lola said...

I have been waiting to read your thoughts.

And, I'm not disappointed.

Adrienne said...

Lola - there's really nothing to say that hasn't been said.

I got your comment re: fashion and it's coming up...

Mary Ellen said...

When I first heard this on the radio this morning I almost drove off the road. Honestly, he gets the peace award because he gives us "hope" of peace? Well, shut my mouth, I've been "hoping" for peace for as long as I can remember and not once have I been given a nobel prize.

And when he said he "humbly" accepted it...I almost choked. There is nothing humble about a guy who just came back from Copenhagen and gave a speech that was centered all around himself.

The world has gone mad and if there's going to be a rapture, let it be soon so I can get the hell away from those Obot loons.

RightKlik said...

This just underscores the fact that the Obama phenomenon has nothing to do with substance...never did.

Larry Denninger said...

Adrienne - you gotta stop by my blog for a laugh. You need it, honey!

Mary Ellen said...

I also can't help but notice the irony that the same week Obama blew off the Dali lama is the same week he's being awarded for giving the "hope for peace" to the rest of the world. Honestly, this world astounds me. I'm ready for the rapture, time to ditch this place.

commoncents said...

We are linking to and starting a Write In Campaign to nominate Barack Obama to win the Heisman Trophy.

gemoftheocean said...

Even slobbering Newsweek was stunned.

Karen Johnson said...

Hello! What?!! I'm going to sign the petition to nominate Barack Obama for the Heisman. It makes more sense than the Nobel Peace Prize.

MightyMom said...

just for you dearie. ;-)

A Secular Franciscan said...

I went in the bedroom where my wife - who voted for him (?!) - was just waking. I told her the news, and even she said incredulously, "For what?"

Anonymous said...

I went to Sam's yesterday and thought of you. Who knew their spices were so cheap? Not me! :)