Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama's Speech - We've Heard It Already

Once again Obama will force his way into our living rooms with another of his speeches. What will he say? Why, the same thing he's been saying all along. Because he has nothing else to say. He is counting on his "charisma" and his so-called exceptional speaking abilities.

This speech will cover the same ground he's plowed up so many times, the structure of the soil is destroyed. There will be no specifics because he has none to give that wouldn't make the hair on your back bristle.

We'll hear:
  • We're too stupid to understand what is good for us.
  • If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
  • If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
  • Doctors are eviiiiiil.
  • Insurance companies are eviiiiiil.
  • Republicans are eviiiiiil.
  • People are dying in the streets.
  • At least two, and probably three, sad stories of people who went bankrupt or died as a result of no insurance.
  • Government-run health care will save us money.
  • This plan will be completely paid for and not cost us one red cent.
Will he explain how cutting Medicare by a gazillion dollars to subsidize his public plan will save money? Why, no. No, he won't. Because any rational person understands that pouring water from one bucket to another does not result in more water.

Oh wait! Silly me. It is going to come from "savings" in what then must be a poorly run Medicare program. Remind me again who runs that program? It's the government! One of two things can be gleaned from this assertion. Either they are going to cut spending on the elderly, or the government does a poor job at running Medicare. So much for your choices, Mr. Obama.

Is he going to offer tort reform or discuss the onerous government regulations placed on insurance companies? Is he going to explain to you why, if you are purchasing your own insurance, you cannot shop companies in other states? Is he going to explain to you why there are about 1300 health insurance companies in this country, and why most people are limited to only a few choices?

Is he going to tell you that a co-op, his second choice to be sure, is nothing more than government-run health care under a different name? Will he tell you that you will be dumped from the employer-provided insurance you want to keep, into a government plan? Will he tell you that 85% of the people who are satisfied with their coverage will lose it?

Is he going to explain to retirees why it is almost impossible to find a doctor that accepts Medicare, a government-run program? Is he going to lay waste to the assertion that most bankruptcies are a result of medical bills? Will he tell you that if a minimum of $5000.00 of bankruptcy obligations are medical, they can be classified as "medical bankruptcies." Forget that the overall total may be in the millions.

He won't say those things because none of what is going on has anything to do with you. This is about Obama and his perception of himself as the "One-Who-Has-Come-To-Save-The-World." It has to do with his Marxist far left handlers, those spawns of the 60's degenerate hippy generation, who were raised on the mother's milk of drugs and free love - a generation that fills our hallowed halls of "higher" education and the halls of congress. They are elitists who think middle Americans, those who live in the "fly over zone", are too provincial to understand they know what is best for us.

Let me be very clear. These people don't care about you. They think you are stupid country rubes worthy of nothing more than insults. We've been called radical right-wing extremist terrorists bitterly clinging to our guns and religion. Many of our representatives and senators have publicly insulted us at various town halls, or kept us from attending by packing the halls with union thugs. Their methods are to overwhelm the system, confuse, ridicule, and marginalize the very people who voted them into office.

I would like to believe this health care reform will go down in flames, but past experience has taught me this: do not underestimate these people. They will stop at nothing to gain control of this economy and of you.

I referred to us as "abused children" in a previous post. Now, more than ever I believe that, and I will be alert and watchful while waiting for the other shoe to drop.

WSJ: Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care by Sarah Palin

The Hill: Tide turns against public option on eve of President Obama's address


Mary Ellen said...

This is one of the few speeches of his that I'll actually watch because I'm curious to see how he will straddle the fence and how many "code words" he'll be throwing out, that will appease those of the Daily Kos crowd (who today said that this speech is their "Waterloo") and how he will throw out code words to appease the lobbyists he's already made deals with. I've seen him do this in Illinois when he was Senator, he's a master at it.

Then we will be hearing different "takes" on what he "meant" by his speech. Confusion will ensue (kinda like Satan, the great confuser) and a bill will pass that will take away from those who need it the most, the poor and the senior's. I hope the latter isn't true, but I fully expect it to happen.

Adrienne said...

I went to Daily Kos last week and then I had to poke my eyeballs out with a hot ice pick.

Other than that - you've summed it up pretty darn well...

Thank you

Oh, and I hope your last prediction is wrong since my husband was just "forced" onto Medicare and I will be forced next year.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

You forgot "It's George Bush's Fault", but otherwise briliant :)

Mary Ellen said...

Adrienne- I usually like to check out those who support Obama to the max, Daily Kos, Huffpost, AmericaBlog, etc. I get a lot of pleasure as I watch them squirm and whine about how Obama has thrown them under the bus and how angry they are that they gave money to his campaign. That usually follows with stomping of feet and shaking their fists as they say they will NEVER be fooled again.....Usually, by the next day they are writing a post about how wonderful Obama is and they are sure he's just playing a "game of chess" and he really didn't mean what he said the day before.

It's like watching a 50 car pile-up, only they start their cars, drive on another mile and pile up again. Odd bunch.