Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Obama Flying to Denmark is Disgraceful

Tomorrow the president of the United States of America, will board a plane with his wife, Valerie Jarrett, Oprah Winfrey, Mayor Daley, and assorted Olympic medalists.

Why? Glad you asked. This is nothing more than the puppet having his strings pulled by the corrupt union thugs bosses and politicians of Chicago demanding payback. 

The majority of the people of Chicago don't give a rip about the Olympics and certainly don't want to foot the bill, estimated to be over 4 or 5 billion of taxpayer money, it will cost. I don't think this figure takes into account the amount of money the feds will kick into the pot.  And for what? So union bosses, the corrupt land owners like Valerie Jarrett, and others of their ilk can line their pockets with even more money? This is the same president who vowed to help New Orleans and yet has not found the time to make one visit.  

Chicago, home to some of the most despicable public housing and violence prone slums, has no business hosting anything until they clean up their mess.  Proponents love to tell you how much money is brought into a city by such an event. How much of that will trickle down? Not much. A few lucky folks may have a side job bussing dishes for a few weeks, but that's about it.

Afghanistan is in turmoil and Iran is blowing up bombs, while our president spends untold millions of our dollars to fly to Denmark with the likes of Oprah Winfrey, all to bask in the glory of being The One.  Or maybe, just maybe,  he's acting as "bag-man" delivering bribe money to the Olympic Committee. This is worse than an embarrassment - it is disgusting.

Read more: 

I guess all our economic problems here have been solved, so our Idiot-in-chief will waste another few million of our tax dollars to fly to Denmark so Chicago may get the 2016 Olympics


Mark in Spokane said...

Is this the greatest outrage perpetuated by a president? No. There are presidents who have done far worse things than fly to Denmark to lobby for the Olympics. But it is frivolous. It smacks of partiality for his home state and home city -- of a willingness to distract himself from the important work of the country in order to do something special for his hometown.

I'm no fan of Obama, and I oppose many of his policies. But he is the president of the United States, and we need him working to help resolve the problems that vex our nation. I might not agree with him, and I might want him to carry out different solutions to our problems than he wants to implement, but that doesn't change the fact that he has an obligation to provide us with his best efforts to help us. That's the job he signed up for.

MightyMom said...

wait...we just had the olympics winter a couple years ago and summer in what 96 I think??.....don't they rotate around the world??

what a crock.

Adrienne said...

Mark - I know you are trying to be even minded and charitable and all that stuff, but this man does not want to solve any problems. He's a flat out Marxist and so are his handlers.

It's the seemingly small things like this trip that drive me over the edge. He might as well stand up on prime time TV and shoot us all the finger.

Adrienne said...

MM - Between the summer and winter Olympics, it seems like every time we turn around there's a bunch of drugged up athletes jumping around wrecking the TV schedule.

I hope one of the other countries pays a bigger bribe and Barry ends up looking like a fool...

Lola said...

I'm pulling for Rio.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong - they are taking TWO PLANES at TWICE THE COST. Insane!