Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Linky Love

Take some time to check out The Wisdom of Soloman. Don't forget to read his "conversion story" from liberal to conservative. His signature is "I used to be a liberal, until I learned to think for myself." Says it all!

And Lola sent me this link to John T. Reed's comments on headline news. Be sure and take some time to read his bio and hit his main page. Of particular interest, since I spent some time in Toastmasters International, was the article Is Obama as good a public speaker as most think?

Speaking of Lola, don't miss St. Joan of Arc, Michael Savage and Political Correctness

BlogProf has really fleshed out my short comment about Obama getting rid of the voucher program in this excellent article After hiding the data and dumping the successful DC voucher program, the only thing Obama should tell students today is "I'm sorry"

Dan (i before e) Riehl brings us more on Van Jones in Van Jones: Follow The Money

Nickie Goomba has remarked about my over abundance of red print (even though his blog looks like it's on fire.) I've set my Blogger layout for comments to be red, but if you folks find it annoying let me know. I certainly can choose another color. What I think I'd like to do is have my links underlined but I haven't found anywhere on Blogger to make that happen. If anyone has the answer, let me know.

Father Powell has some "cranky" commentary about Obama's school speech, Van Jones, and Michael Moore.

I want to thank all of you who have sent me commas. Now if I can just figure out where to put them. I have a tendency to write like I speak; a non-stop Italian barrage of words destined to wear down anyone within 3 or 4 minutes. That's why I liked Toastmasters so much. It was the first time in my life people actually wanted me to talk....

Breakfast and Rush now - see you in a bit!