Just as I predicted the news wires have exploded and we all have much hard work ahead of us.
Health Care Is Not a Privilege … Nor Is It a Right by Brian Schwartz is excellent and once again points out what I've been saying all along. Government controls and mandates are what make insurance so expensive.
In the state of Idaho, which is the state with the fewest mandates, we still only have a choice of three or four companies. If a company in Iowa for instance had a better plan at lower cost, it's the government that says I can't buy it. The result is we have to pay over $500.00 per month for catastrophic insurance for the two of us.
Each year cost of the policy takes a jump even though we have never had one penny paid toward our medical bills. We pay for all routine visits. How about getting the government and the employer out of the insurance business and having some real competition?
H/T Doug Ross at Journal