Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fired Up and Ready to Go?

1.5 - 2 Million in Washington

While an estimated crowd of 1.5 to 2 million patriots marched on Washington today, Obama has graced us with his new slogan. In his best shuck and jive imitation, he managed to get the the Kool Aid drinkers in Minneapolis chanting "fired up and ready to go."

I missed the bulk of what he said due to an overwhelming desire to have breakfast. It really didn't make any difference since we've heard it all before. I did catch this before the rally started, though. It appeared the audience was being coached to cheer at a given signal, much as they do at a game show. Come to think of it, this whole thing isn't much different than a game show, and we're all the losers if any form of government health insurance passes.

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