Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Elle Out of Surgery

Due Home Tomorrow...

with another $1000.00 leg making her the worlds most expensive $50.00 dog. But dang - isn't she cute? She has my eyes...

I know my blogger friends have been doing a good job of keeping you all up to date and I thank them very much.

Before I'm able to get up to speed on my posts, please call your representative and senator and make your wishes known about this travesty that Obama is trying to ram down our throats laughingly called "health care reform."

Ran across this health care map the Republicans so nicely put together for us. That's sure how I want my health care handled. /sarcasm Click to enlarge

Hot Air: WaPo: House health-care surtax “bad policy”
Hot Air: ObamaCare: Taxing the uninsured
Glenn Beck: Healthcare or Freedom grab?
Frugal Cafe: Billions, Trillions, and More: CBO Releases Appalling Dollar Amount for Crappy ObamaCare


The blogprof said...

Welcome back Adrienne!

Adrienne said...

Blogprof - thanks....