Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AP House plan boosts taxes on rich to 20-year high

Rep. Charles Rangel, chairman of tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, called the plan "the moral thing to do."

Moral? Moral?? It's moral to take money by force (called theft), and give it to someone else? These are the same people that think it's ok to kill an baby - even after it's born. What would they know about morals?

Individuals and employers would have new obligations to get coverage, or face hefty penalties.

It's moral to mandate someone have health coverage or fine them as much as $1000.00? It's moral to cut benefits to older Americans who have been forced into the crappy Medicare system, which by the way is broke, to pay for young people who won't work?

How dare these bottom feeders talk about morals.


Anonymous said...

Try finding a doctor who will take Medicare patients. I'm facing that problem right now.

Obama keeps saying if you like your doctor you can keep him. Not true!

My doctor told me that in order to accept Medicare patients the doctor has to put in the government computer system to the tune of 50K so they just say no.


Sarah - Kala said...

I'm just sick . . . sick of the big gov't crap. God help us to stand up against this evil.

Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

I accept Medicare. I send in claims the same way I send in claims to private insurers. I think "Anonymous" meant Medicaid, not Medicare. Medicaid has a system you can use to swipe someone's card to find out if their benefits are still active. But I don't think you have to use it to bill Medicaid. All you need is a Medicaid provider number. The REAL reason some doctors don't accept Medicare is it doesn't pay enough, but that's the same reason many doctors no longer accept private insurance either.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - I meant Medicare just as I said.


Adrienne said...

Sarah - If Obama keeps up with his plans he will end up being impeached. Mark my words...

Mark D. said...


You hit the nail on the head: the problem of paying doctors enough. The market governs. If the government chooses to create a system that does not pay doctors enough money to justify practice, then we won't have enough doctors. Period. This is a big part of the problem that vexes England and Canada regarding their health care systems. If doctors aren't paid what they're worth, there will be fewer doctors. Simple.

Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

Mark, we don't have enough doctors right now, and the main reason is that the private insurers don't pay enough. What some doctors do is accept cash only. I took $3,500 out of savings to pay my surgeon. She stopped taking insurance because she was so fed up with it. She once billed Oxford Health Plans for a baby she delivered and they paid 9 months later! The bill took as long as the baby! The "free market" isn't working for health care, and that's because health care isn't an option that you can skip if you don't want to pay for it. When you need it, you'll pay whatever you have to, even if it means bankruptcy. Therefore there is no "free market" for health care because there is no choice. It's not like going to a restaurant.