Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama to have news conference today:

Why am I not surprised! After John McCain's speech (which the people who rely on msm know nothing about), Obama will do his obligatory "Iran so sad" speech. Watch for him to sneak in all sorts of scary stuff about your lousy health care and how he is going to save you from "health care hell."

Oh yes, are the Iranian diplomats still spending the 4th of July at the White House??

ObamaCare: Kiss Your Access Goodbye

Obamacare meets the reality of nationalized health care: Rationing and long lines

Healthcare Reform: A Looming Policy Disaster

In case you missed it:


Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Can Zero keep quiet for a week? A press conference every week, I'm already at the point of annoyance.

MightyMom said...

how much longer???